From the May 27, 1933 Telegram: "The fire was discovered at 11 p.m. and it is believed that it started a full hour before it was noticed. Villagers were helpless to combat the flames when discovered because the fire had too much of a start."
What are the most memorable Husker touchdowns for every yard on the field, from 1 to 100? HuskerExtra revisits the Lincoln Journal-Star s 2016 series on the 100 greatest touchdowns in
From the Oct. 24, 1947 Telegram: "Miss Peterson was awarded a purebred Brown Swiss heifer, selected from the herd of Stanley Larson of Cushing. Each year the Superior Rotary club presents a pure bred calf to the 4-H member who most fittingly presents their calf at the Tri-State Fair."
From the Aug. 8, 1902 Telegram: "The poundmaster’s story is as follows: He was taking up a cow near the Normal School and had her tied to his wagon when Mr. McNally came along and proceeded to take charge of the animal."