We’ve finally had some August temps, so it must be summer. The humidity has been quite high here in the usually low humidity country, so there’s been some fog. If the old timer’s 90 days.
It’s been a busy, fun week here with my two oldest grandboys visiting. We did a lot of laughing, visiting, fishing, and spent quality time around the fire pit. Many marshmallows were toasted.
Congrats to the area hands who won at Cheyenne! Troy Tillard, Douglas, Wyo., won the steer roping, Joey Williams, Volberg, Mont., won the breakaway and Eli Lord, Piedmont, S.D. won the steer wrestling. The 5th Annual.
Congratulations to all the regional NHSRA finals kids! A big shout out to S.D.’s team with 11 members back for the short go at the finals. Girls team finished in 4th place, boys team in 3rd..
The weather has sure been in the extremes this past week. Heat, hail, torrential rains, wind, you name it, it’s been in the region. All on the same day in the same place in some.