Congrats to the area hands who won at Cheyenne! Troy Tillard, Douglas, Wyo., won the steer roping, Joey Williams, Volberg, Mont., won the breakaway and Eli Lord, Piedmont, S.D. won the steer wrestling. The 5th Annual.
KNBN NewsCenter1
Local businesses using alternative sales techniques, community support during holiday season
Local business like Plato s Closet and Seeley Clothing in Rapid City turned to alternative approaches as well as community support during the holiday season.
December 23, 2020
RAPID CITY, S.D. With many local businesses being affected by the pandemic, it’s become sink or swim for some.
“We kept selling online and advertising and promoting our items on Facebook and Instagram; that’s the only way I stayed afloat,” said Sam Boldon, the Owner of Giddy Up & Go Boutique.
Whether a businesses was reliant on their website during the COVID-19 pandemic: