Ranbir will be seen in the upcoming film Ramayan, a three-part magnum opus by Nitesh Tiwari. While the actor will essay the role of Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi will mark her Bollywood debut and play Mata Sita.
At the event Ranbir said, he has a lot of jewellery, he was gifted ethnic traditional jewels at his wedding as well and when Raha was born most of his friends and family gifted her jewellery.
Netizens had mixed reactions to Ranbir and Sai s look in Ramayana, a section of fans weren t impressed with the look, while some said Sai was a misfit for the role. And Ranbir is looking more like Sanjay Dutt than Lord Ram.
Nitesh Tiwari s Ramayana photo leak: The director had made a no-mobiles-on-set rule and restricted staff entry to prevent this, but the leaked images have been well-received by fans. This is the first time that north star Ranbir Kapoor and south film actress Sai Pallavi are working together in a film.
Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor who is currently gearing up for his next film Ramayana is taking archery lessons to master his character as Lord Ram. Recent photos of the actor with his archery coach have been making waves online, giving fans a peek into his commitment to the role. Check it out here! Ranbir Kapoor Takes Archery Lessons for His Upcoming Movie Ramayana; Photos of Actor’s Training Session Goes Viral.