Read on to know which popular TV actor was approached to play younger version of Raja Dashrath in Nitesh Tiwari-directed Ramayana but he refused the role. The trilogy reportedly stars Ranbir Kapoor, Yash, and Sai Pallavi as Lord Rama, Ravana, and Sita.
Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor who is currently gearing up for his next film Ramayana is taking archery lessons to master his character as Lord Ram. Recent photos of the actor with his archery coach have been making waves online, giving fans a peek into his commitment to the role. Check it out here! Ranbir Kapoor Takes Archery Lessons for His Upcoming Movie Ramayana; Photos of Actor’s Training Session Goes Viral.
Filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari is an IIT Bombay graduate. He quit as the chief creative officer from the advertising company Leo Burnett to make films. He directed Aamir Khan-starrer India's highest-grossing film Dangal. Tiwari's next film is the much-awaited Ramayana starring Ranbir Kapoor and Yash.
The whole country bashed Adipurush upon its release, but it didn’t stop Nitesh Tiwari from announcing his Ramayana with Ranbir Kapoor as Ram, Sai Pallavi as Sita and Yash as Raavan. Here are 3 reasons why I am excited for Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana despite Adipurush's failure.