The Chinese see occupied Tibet as the palm of hand that will only be whole when they control the fingers: Arunachal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal & Ladakh
Leave aside political affiliations and the flag-waving, slogan-shouting, adrenaline-pumped personas we adopt while watching cricket and ask
The RSS chief recently advised Indian Muslims to abandon their "boisterous rhetoric of supremacy" – but all indicators suggest that the minority community lags behind the majority.
History tells us about nations of the past that have become powerful, and it also tells us about empires and civilisations that failed or ceased to exist. A third category is nations that have prevailed despite great odds faced by them against powerful nations or empires.
"Maharanas: A Thousand Year War for Dharma’ Author: Omendra Ratnu, Publisher: Prabhat Publication, New Delhi, Pp 400, Rs 500.00 With detailed descriptions
In today's DNA, Zee News Editor-in-Chief Sudhir Chaudhary sheds light on the double standards of the previous governments in the representation of Hindu rulers in the NCERT books and discusses how these brave Hindu rulers and the stories of their valour were hidden from the students while anti-Indian invaders were served as heroes.