The local farmers were informed about the Solar-Powered Cold Storage through the field staff and the District Agriculture Department. About 40 farmers started using Solar Cold Storage facilities in a year, primarily for storing potatoes.
The turn of events propitiously sequenced by providence was to catapult young Yusuf Khan into Dilip Kumar, the megastar of the then Bombay film industry now dubbed as Bollywood.
With Yusuf Khan back in Mumbai and his Pune sojourn over, his major goal was to get gainfully employed or target new avenues of earning to share the family burden. He was blissfully unaware that lady luck was about to smile on him. The turn of .
Bipin Chandra Pal Death anniversary: Here s why he was called a revolutionary - Bipin Chandra Pal is known as the father of revolutionary ideas. He was also a well-known teacher, social reformer, speaker, writer and journalist.