AAP candidate Durgesh Pathak was on Sunday morning leading over his BJP rival Rajesh Bhatia by a margin of over 1,000 votes at the end of the fifth round of counting of votes for the Rajinder Nagar assembly bypoll.
The Rajinder Nagar Assembly constituency recorded a 43.75 per cent voter turnout till 6 P.M. in the bypolls on Thursday. This is significantly less than the figures recorded in the 2020 polls, when the voter turnout in Rajinder Nagar was 58.27 per cent. The bypoll to the Rajinder Nagar seat is
The counting of votes for the Rajinder Nagar Assembly polls will begin at 8 am on Sunday amid tight security.
Delhi Chief Electoral Officer Dr Ranbir Singh said the counting will start at 8 am ITI Pusa at on Sunday. AAP s Durgesh , BJP s Rajesh Bhatia and Congress nominee Prem Lata are
New Delhi, Jun 26: The BJP on Sunday bagged one Lok Sabha and three assembly seats, while the Aam Aadmi Party suffered a setback in Punjab’s Sangrur as results came in for the bypolls to three Lok Sabha and seven assembly seats spread across five states and Delhi. However, there was something to cheer about for the AAP as it won the bypoll to the Rajinder Nagar seat in the national capital. In the bypolls for the two Lok Sabha […]
Aam Aadmi Party's Durgesh Pathak on Sunday defeated BJP candidate Rajesh Bhatia by a margin of over 11,000 votes in Rajinder Nagar assembly bypoll here, officials said.