Delhi government on Friday told the Delhi High Court that Bharat Biotech supplied only 1.5 lakh doses of COVID-19 vaccine Covaxin in May against a promise of five lakh doses.
New Delhi [India], June 2 (ANI): The Delhi High Court on Wednesday issued notices to the Centre and Delhi government on a plea seeking to direct authorities concerned to ensure the administration of the second dosage of COVID-19 vaccine to the eligible persons within the recommended period recommended by the COVID Working Group.
Cash for job scam: AMCH doctor s husband detained for interrogation
Dr Ajanta Hazarika has been accused of taking money in lakhs from aspirants by promising to provide them jobs in NF Rly
| 11 Dec 2020 9:58 AM GMT
Dibrugarh: The police have detained Simanta Jyoti Saikia, the husband of Assam Medical College Hospital (AMCH) doctor Ajanta Hazarika for interrogation seeking information on the whereabouts of his wife.
Dr Hazarika has been accused of taking money in lakhs from candidates by promising them jobs in Northeast Frontier (NF) Railway. The police conducted a search operation at her residence at Naliapool in Dibrugarh district and detained her husband Simanta Jyoti Saikia. This was the second search operation conducted by the district police, based on the case registered against her under Case No. 2150/20.