The Yuge Yugeen Bharat National Museum, which is billed to be the largest museum in the world, will have eight thematic segments telling the story of India spanning over 5,000 years.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that the North and South blocks at the capital will be converted into a museum named “Yuge Yuge Bharat” or “Ages old India.” The North and South Blocks were British made buildings when the Raisina Hill area was developed as the Capital. As the Central Vista project nears completion,…
The Yuge Yugeen Bharat National Museum, which is billed to be the largest museum in the world, will have eight thematic segments telling the story of India spanning over 5,000 years.
To take Raisina Hill the seat of power in India any political dispensation has to tame Lucknow first, the capital of the state that sends the largest number of MPs to the Lok Sabha.Is it possible, though, for a non-BJP party or alliance .