In a latest employment scam, at least 28 people from Tamil Nadu were deployed at different platforms of the New Delhi Railway Station every day for eight hours for a month to count the arrival and departure of trains and their coaches, unaware they were being scammed.
New Delhi, Dec 20: At least 28 people from Tamil Nadu were deployed at different platforms of the New Delhi Railway Station every day for eight hours for a month to count the arrival and departure of trains and their coaches, unaware they were victims of an employment scam. They had been told that this was part of their training for positions of travel ticket examiner (TTE), traffic assistants and clerks, and each of them paid amounts ranging between Rs […]
At least 28 people from Tamil Nadu were made to stand at different platforms of the New Delhi Railway Station every day for eight hours for a month to count the arrival and departure of trains and their coaches, unaware they were victims of an employment scam.
At least 28 people from Tamil Nadu were made to stand at different platforms of the New Delhi Railway Station every day for eight hours for a month. They were told that this was part of their training for positions of travel ticket examiner (TTE), traffic assistants and clerks.
At least 28 people from Tamil Nadu were deployed at different platforms of the New Delhi Railway Station every day for eight hours for a month to count the..