According to Bangalore Traffic Police data, there are 43,289 cases of defective registered number plates from registered. In 2022, 3,88,488 cases were registered, and 4,56,521 cases were registered in 2021. He added that these also impact the police’s ability to detect violations through AI cameras. “With defective or no number plates, finding the vehicle causing the violation would become difficult. If the number plate is defective or fake, even if the challan is generated, it won’t read the right person,” he added.
Experts tend to agree that as of now, the underpasses are not safe as they haven’t been constructed properly. Civil engineering expert MN Sreehari told BM, “When there is a design fault in them, they cannot be deemed safe. The fault needs to be rectified. The slope in underpasses is deep, leading to waterlogging and difficulty in draining the water. To maintain an adequate slope, extra length needs to be given on either side but that will ramp up costs. The ideal slope should be of 1:50 gradient.”
As the founder of India’s leading crypto eCommerce platform, Raghavendra Poojari has his finger on the pulse of new trends. In 2021, after acquiring substantial knowledge of the blockchain and crypto industry, Poojari spotted a gap in the buying and […]
Following the heavy downpour, Bengaluru witnessed unprecedented flooding inundating houses, apartments, institutions and tech parks. The premiere research institute of the country, the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research .