Authorities in Abyei Administrative Area on Friday said that two youths were on Thursday killed in Mabuny village in Alal County by armed youth suspected to be from Twic County of Warrap State.
The South Sudan people’s defense forces (SSPDF) has attributed the delayed deployment of the recently graduated forces to the fact that commanding officers of the Sudan People Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) and South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) commanders have not been absorbed in the SSPDF.
The President of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS), Oyet Patrick, has called on the authorities to expedite the investigation of the six South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) staff who are in the custody of the National Security Service (NSS).
The former information minister in South Sudan’s Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA), Jay Adingora Alual, said he was fired last week over media remarks he made about the unrest in the area.