By our own side did use that bit of wisdom for good bad describes him himself as laid to discover the truth and gain justice William McGovern Matilda on the other hand a respectable appearance would cover their evil ways they were wrong is water run and uphill Little did they know God sees not as a man for a man looks at the outward appearance. Looks at the heart. Was a crook his. Whole. Crooked plan. Understand . Could see his heart. Use cold in. The sun land claim. To see his home. Be told in the book. The crooked. Slime. If. He sees her. Ever seen to work out like play a song. The Dark Knight. Would be. One of flame flushes I agree to. Leave a clue. It s just the man saw his mistake he changed his ways and changed his fates Ok it s. Good. To get a copy of today s program blinded by the side you can place your order online calls entails a large blinded by the site was written by Gerry Armstrong directed by David Carr the Crooked Man was written by Sandy Helena Kobrin music was by Ki
Are you prepared for the you know. What if you know it depends on what day it is. Harder then you might think that was one of the most difficult things I ve ever gone through and it s interesting that fathers often struggle with it more than mothers do because they ve known it and they have anticipated it whereas the dads are out working and doing all this stuff and all of a sudden it s there and they re sent in the last kid off to school I cried for 3 days when Ryan left I mean I literally cried for 3 days and maybe I sound highly emotional but I just realized that parenting was over and a period of my life that I cherished the would never be the same again I knew Ryan once he is gone he would be gone right so it was there very difficult for me and that s really the reason we wrote the book is because we wanted families to be able to maximize this one season of life when you have children in the home and you have this opportunity before you because you can t go back and do it again y
Your heavy hitter Lynott stop by our pain doc back to basics with Pastor Bryant they weigh 107.9. Look into this edition of back to basics with Pastor Brian boaters. For some people sadly the Christian life is just a series of moves don t do this if you do go to church and you know and although you know those components exist something essence of the essence of it is you know we. Are no longer an old couple. Come. Back to Basics Brian continues his study in the Gospel of Mark joining us as Pastor Brian concludes his teaching on Mark Chapter 14 versus 12 through 26 in a message titled The Last Supper. Now here s pastor brought. All of that time as God instituted this it was all about this moment when Jesus would take that bread and break it and say this is my body this is my body and we know from the other gospel accounts this is my body that is broken for you broken for you and so it was Jesus is now speaking about the reality of what s coming remember at this point the disciples them
Enough when it s done right on earth so binding and loosing is. Restricting or releasing it is. Limiting or of limiting something it is lacking or unlocking something so that what the word means but how does the word work and to what does the word binding and loosing apply says we ve got this big whatever standing out here well let me tell you based on this passage you have binding in loosing what s coming out of the hell gates of hell you are binding in Lucy So what s the difference between binding and loosing dying when you ve been dining something you re tying it up you keeping it from mobility you keeping it from moving to bind means something is coming after you that you want held back from you you want to be tied up you don t want to get through you don t want to be able to penetrate you it s holding He will say to hell off of you lose thing is cuz he already got you. He s already all up in your grill he s already controlling something you already addicted you are ready living i
Years old will find out as we dig into the 1st book test. Let s open our Bibles to the Gospel of Matthew chapter 3 as we continue in our study on the king and the kingdom the kingdom of heaven is here and we talked about the baptism of Jesus we talked about how for us on our side baptism is where you are publicly identified with Jesus His death burial and resurrection Well now in the final verses of Matthew 3 verses 13 through 17 we this is the actual description of Jesus baptism so now we come to get the other side we get our side identifying with him we get to talk about his side because why did Jesus need to get baptized it s for repentance of sins he s the only human being that never sinned he didn t need to repent so why is Jesus getting baptized Ah this is the heart of it because Jesus chose of his own free will out of love to identify with all of humanity which means he chose out of love to identify with you and with me is that awesome or what It never surprises me when a huma