Enough when it's done right on earth so binding and loosing is. Restricting or releasing it is. Limiting or of limiting something it is lacking or unlocking something so that what the word means but how does the word work and to what does the word binding and loosing apply says we've got this big whatever standing out here well let me tell you based on this passage you have binding in loosing what's coming out of the hell gates of hell you are binding in Lucy So what's the difference between binding and loosing dying when you've been dining something you're tying it up you keeping it from mobility you keeping it from moving to bind means something is coming after you that you want held back from you you want to be tied up you don't want to get through you don't want to be able to penetrate you it's holding He will say to hell off of you lose thing is cuz he already got you. He's already all up in your grill he's already controlling something you already addicted you are ready living in defeat you are ready relationally in discord you are ready miserable and you can't get out of it and you need to be loosed from the hostage taking he's already taken you finding is keeping him off of you whatever you bind I got you whatever you loose I got you heaven will back you up. Well if the problem is the gates of hell he says you must use the keys of heaven and you must do it in concert with the church because that's the key that owns the keys. So you don't have a private key ring. You have your own keys the church has the keys you have to use those keys for your situation again I say to you verse 19 if 2 of you agree on Earth about anything that they ask it shall be done for them by my father who is in heaven how. Now we get down to 2 or 3. 2 or 3 witnesses. Is not a novel concept it's all through the Bible. American civil government to a large degree borrowed from the Bible and one of the things they borrow was the principle of witnesses. In Deuteronomy 19 verse 15 it says you cannot accuse somebody by the witness of one person there must be 2 or 3 witnesses Deuteronomy Chapter 17 verse 6 you can not bring an accusation or judgment by one person there must be 2 or 3 witnesses so 2 or 3 witnesses was used. Confirming something legally because it's use of trying civil cases Jesus takes the principle of legality $2.00 and $3.00 witnesses and applies it now to binding and loosing why because we are seeking to do in the spiritual around what the political realm was seeking to do and that will judge us to do that he says u.t. 2 or 3 witnesses now this is not just 2 or 3 people out of nowhere because in various 17 he says Tell it to the church in. Review this to listen to the church that would be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector so he hasn't left the church he's still talking about the charge because that is the authorized legal entity from heaven to history so let me explain something we do you connect with people even if they are Christians who are not connected to the embassy they can help you with binding and Lucy because buying the good thing has only been delegated to the church not just to you out here just band and stuff and i band the devil and you know know if you are disconnected from the embassy that's what people on this need to go to church for preachin people need to go to church just the thing in and for fellowship all those are absolutely critical the reason you need to be connected to the church is so you can share some have been down in history through the embassy that God has created and if people understood that that's what the church is for in addition to these other things that we understand is the bigger deal than just sit in a pew once a week I want to be able to legislate but now his concern is not everybody in the church on Sunday morning because we talk about 2 or 3 he says 2 or 3 gathered the board gathered his use of the church and he was up to 10 verse 25 don't think the gathering is talking about the church he says when they are connected. And 2 or 3 Now we got legal validity because that's how they work 2 or 3 use in Scripture we've got legal authorization so let's see how you can begin the binding lose keep the devil off for you and whatever category He's on you or get him off of you with these already lock you down and lose him in get get him off your back no longer is the controlling whatever of your life that he happens to be controlling right now he says if you come together 2 or 3 as a legal gathering because it's connected to the church anything somebody say anything that's like whatever there's a he says whatever verse 19 says anything. That they may ask who has introduced prayer ask so now you are asking you're asking have been to intervene on your behalf in history. For all the binding and loosing as the final chapter 16 which is the gates of hell he says anything that they may ask. Must agree. The Greek word for agree is where we get our English word Symphony from when you go to a symphony you have different instruments but you only have one song being played that was there is unity of the song while there are differences of the instruments Let me explain something forget spiritual authority where there is disunity. Forget spiritual authority where there is this unity the reason why the enemy. Create this unity is not just so the folks won't get along no no no he's doing it for a bigger purpose he knows that lack of agreement won't keep God from responding. Now there's a theological reason for there. The Trinity is one God composed the free co-equal persons who are distinct in personality and Father the Son The Son is not the Spirit they are 3 distinct persons but they make up the one God He said they always operate in perfect unity with one another except when Jesus died on the cross My God my God why stuff is like me because of sin but they part from that always are in perfect sync with one another so when there is not agree meet. Connected to the church by the 2 of 3 who want to see the binding it loosely what you have just done is an uninvited God to the prince who just prayed once agreement is lost binding and losing is lost so heaven cannot intervene into the circumstance so he says it must be by agreement that is you've got to be in the same way you different people but you got to be on the same spiritual page so he says that and maybe make a staggering promise it shall be done for them by my father who is in heaven so you must bind you must bring God's perspective the keys you must talk to God to pray out you must be in agreement with God and then you must be linked to the legal entity the local church where you can be out here bedside baptism matches methods if you won't but you have to understand that if you are not connected if you are not connected not a name or role that's connectivity but remember a time out to a phrase would not come at you being in church he's talking about you being connected with church with the 2 or the 3 now one sees them bond in the Newson. Well Dr Evans will be right back with more of this lesson from his brand new series igniting Kingdom prayer as we've been learning Kingdom prayer isn't just any prayer it starts with understanding God's comprehensive authority over every area of life this series will help you get your mind around that idea and connect you with the power that's available when we make the Lord's agenda our 1st priority we'd like to send you this collection of 12 full length C.D.'s as a way of saying thanks when you make a donation to help us keep Tony's teaching on his station in fact we'll include a special bonus when you do Tony's book praying through the names of Jesus the Lord has described many different ways in Scripture and each one tells us something about his character his power and. He wants to relate with us you'll find a lot of comfort in these pages as you learn that there's a name that covers every need you face so be sure to take advantage of the special double offered today before time runs out I'll tell you how to make the arrangements right after this sometimes reading the Bible is crystal clear and sometimes not so much Dr Tony Evans wants you to have a better understanding of God's word and he's honored to be the 1st African-American to write a study bible in commentary that he created from his teaching inspirational articles videos of accessible sermons and more Dr Evans. Perspective one of a kind study viable and be sure to check out the one volume commentary as well Tony Evans Study Bible and commentary 2 of the most important tools you can have on hand if you're serious about understanding Scripture they're both brand new and going so fast that the publisher had to print more to keep up with the demand get yours today at Tony Evans dot org or call our Resource Center at 18083222 I repeat that information later on after Dr Evans brings us part 2 of today's lesson it comes with the steak and it's a paddle fish statement in those 20 and where 2 or 3 have gathered together where 2 or 3 have gathered together you come in agreement you come together. And he says and you've done this. In my name. In money he said the father is going to do it but you've got to do it in money. Now Matthew $2818.00 says Jesus says all the farty is given to me and heaven and on earth Translation I'm in charge now I'm in charge up there in heaven and I'm in charge down here on Earth and I'm the link between the 2 so in order to get it from heaven down here to earth Jesus is saying you got to come to me there's one Mediator between God and man the Bible says that is the man Christ Jesus why do you need to go through Jesus Revelation 118 because revelation when 18 says I got the keys. This is I got the keys you need the keys I got the keys and I got the keys I can overrule Hell I can overrule what's holding you hostage I can lose it act and keep it off for you I can bind it cuz I got the keys and Revelation when you sign a check you're giving authorization for the check to be cash if there is no signature the check won't be cash if it's somebody else's signature the check won't be cag And if somebody real Johnny and they were not authorized to do it that's forgery see a lot of folk use Jesus' name but the didn't sign. As cause spiritual forgery. It is name doesn't mean you don't Ted don't want to be in the your prayer in Jesus' name that sounds right and sounds like he did but if what he is wanting and what you are doing the same thing that forgery because that's an authorized use of his name he will only give us the Farley when you operating on his authority based on his keys connected with this institution done by agreement and he says that you must do it in my name but he says something else and there am I in the midst of all. See a lot of us pray in Jesus' name while he is on the periphery he cannot be on the periphery he must be the centerpiece of the decision he must be the centerpiece of the consideration he just can't be a friend when I tag along he must be at the centerpiece of it in Exodus Chapter 70 in about verse 8. Is real is in a battle in a war they're fighting. It's a life and death shrug their bad. Moses goes up to the top of the hill. And Moses takes the rod the stat that God gave him they turned it into the rod of God and Moses held it up. The rod was Moses a symbol of authority he opened the Red Sea with the rod it was a symbol of heaven coming down to change something on Earth when he held up the rod . As long as Moses held up the rod and said Israel prevailed. But the moment Moses dropped the rod in says the enemy prevailed over him and there is real down in the valley doing the best they can fight as hard as they can trying as hard as they can but whether they were winning or losing what little of about how hard they were trying it was the term about what Moses was doing up holding up the symbol of authority. A lot of us are trying hard to fix our mess get out of bed get out of addiction saw this problem here is it not we try. We try down here in this battle. But the problem is that we've got to be solved up there to give you victory down here. The problem occurs however that it says Moses almost got heavy. Another words he got tired they put him away he got sick and. He got his arm got Having started to droop and when his arm started to droop and serve the enemy began to prevail because the symbol of authority had been lost. So Moses guy 2 other men. To come and to hold up his arm. Because he was tired. And he was going to droop and quit and give up but the 2 men held this up they became 2 witnesses to the parting testimonies for victory and when they held up his arms there's an Israel prevailed over their enemies let me put it another way what was happening on the ground would not all to me at least be determined by what they were doing on the ground now they still had the fight on the ground but the power and the authority for the victory of the fight was not on the ground where they were fighting the are firing and victory and power would come from what was happening in the invisible around that would determine whether they won or lost in the visible round if you're fighting for your marriage if you fighting for the sense of singlehood if you're fighting for the dead if you're fighting for the addiction or whatever the situation happens to be yes you have a responsibility to do what you are to do but that's not where the authority lies whatever you buy and whatever you lose it says I will have already done it in half and so the answer is not there so the put it another way if you ignore the spiritual if you ignore the keys if you ignore the connection with the job. If you ignore the agreement if you ignore those things you will not get help from heaven that you battling the war fail on earth you will only get victory on earth because you have been gay to be a farty of evidence God's way and when you and I do that. This is the bonnet in the room. And Dr Evans will come back in a moment to leave us with a real life example so stay with us 1st though today's message was called understanding spiritual authority and it's available as a part of Tony's current series igniting Kingdom prayer there are 12 messages in this brand new collection packed with material we didn't have time to bring you on the air and they're yours as are thank you gift when you make a contribution to help support this ministry there's no way we can continue this broadcast without the faithfulness of listeners just like you and we really need your help between now and the end of the year to make up for a summer shortfall if you contact us right away we'll also include the book I told you about earlier praying for the names of Jesus as a special bonus visit Tony Evans dot org today to make the arrangements when you do don't forget to pick up copies of the brand new Tony Evans Study Bible and commentary they draw from Tony's 50 years of study teaching and preaching but even that left some work still to be done here's what he told us about that recently Well those passages that I had covered I went and taught them at church I would go through those books line by line verse by verse and show how the truth of that book can be applied to our lives tied to this kingdom perspective that's in all the scripture in addition I will use my personal study time to address passages that I had not yet taught I would do that at 234 and 5 o'clock in the morning. When it was everything was quiet and I could tell. Totally focus on making sure I was being true to Scripture and true to the needs of the audience in putting together the material for the Study Bible the Tony Evans Study Bible and commentary 10 full years from concept to completion 2 of the best resources you can have by your side anytime you study God's Word they make a perfect additions to your personal library and great Christmas gifts as well so get your copies today at Tony Evans dot org if God already knows everything why would he ever have reason to change his mind well we'll find out tomorrow as Dr Evans takes a look at when and why the Lord chooses to be flexible but now he's back to wrap up our time together today with a great victory story we had a brother stop me he said Remember young gather around me and pray for me the eldest you gather around for pray for me because I had prostate cancer. I think you gather around to pray for me and you you brought that thing before God. This time you know I just thought you might want to know they can find cancer. We should be seeing a lot of the supernatural in the natural if you want to do it. We would see it starting victory deliverance if we won't do it God's way but he's not going to adjust to you doing it your way he's not going do it you keep bringing the end of the Worlds methodology and we've got to be in but you keep bringing their worldview which you have just accepted. Because. it was there in the dark room of the called God. The picture of God developing just as photographs developed in the red and the dark suit it was in the dark room when the sky was dark that that image the photograph of God develops a picture of a God who loves us to death because when you don't walk with God fearing that's the dark room will make it so but when you walk to God we develop from the negatives this is been Ben course director of Hope generation with a minute of hope. And the more you live from your own center the less you will look to others for direction. Now I've been thinking about this today during one of our behind the scenes t.v. Shoots I was meditating on this and what I've been thinking about is like in the book of Psalms David said. It will show you the power of life not everybody's looking for the path of the calculus of life is an overt and all kind of existence you have returned to help generation with 10 course and that is the author of the bestselling book optimist and if you haven't gotten a hold of it yet go check it out at 10 course and dot com It's filled with heavenly hope and will certainly impact your life our episode today will bring us to the conclusion of a teaching entitled. For my Zahn Chapter 40 years band then make your 1st right now is taste and see that the Lord is good taste and. See it because once you taste you can't taste it once you see you can see Tom Brady has never eaten a strawberry in his entire life. When he went on a late night show you to Strawberry for the 1st time and I loved watching his face because once he tasted it he couldn't taste it that's how it is with the Lord when you taste the fruits of the spirit you can untasteful you're like I tasted this thing I can't go back with will you leave me also because I said eat my body taste of my body drink my blood taste this and everybody leaves like we're all going to be cannibals but what if Peter say Where else can I go you will loan half the words of eternal life once you taste eternal life once you see eternal life once you experience spirituality like Adam knew his wife you know God in the song The solemn and beautiful spiritual way once you have that you can't go back to the villages God. The curious journey has begun you've taken your 1st step and when you return the village you're a different person anyway but you're not the same even if your circumstances are so you've got to morph with this thing you've got to go into that desert in change and then and then you embody the truth and you are covered in dust of your rabbi greater works where you do than what he's done because his spirit wants to empower us to be formed into the likeness of his son because that's what we all are the Son of God became a man that man becomes a Son of God c.s. Lewis said the son of God became a man that man might become a Son of God So now we are like living as children of God in the truth was a painting to say that that was my intro I have like 5 minutes let's see what happens look at Isaiah 40 so it's in that desert with God the high places that you experience the ability to be transmogrified metamorphosed into truth. Isaiah 40 verse 25. Are your eyes they're yours doing Ok. To whom then will you like in me or to whom shall I be equal. Says the Holy One. Is anybody equal to God once you've tasted in c. You can until you can't unsee Where else can I go you alone of the words of eternal life eat my body drink my blood I don't understand it it's bypassing my knowledge and ability to assimilate this information but it will who can I compare to you. What are you to do go scuba diving who else is like the Lord. Who also is like the Lord. Playing video games fly on right skateboarding sect. Working your job. Gives you something to do. But who else does like the Lord like what we're doing the night. My brother in law she were just talking with us on the radio like why are you people come night is what we do tonight is everything this and I'm kind of partial but this is everything the president's Oh no not the presence again yes I could explore the presence for the rest of my life the presidents who will you like in the me these are these these idols. These things these kingdoms the Brad the women the jumping off the temple showing off the big grandiloquent spectacle nobodies like me says the Lord I can honestly tell you that nobody will equal the Lord God is not man man or men are flaky I make mistakes God doesn't he's perfect I just thought about God's perfect. How many things did you say that about life like I you know when people talk of a movie to me because when I see it I go on with such high expectations that I project it and then I am inevitably led down but I'm doing this movie is horrible action of liking because I think it's going to be terrible so my eyes are set really well with God You can talk about all you want you like there's no one equal to me is perfect and then you go into the presence you're like he actually surpassed that indeed it sitting abundantly above all I could ask or think according the power that is work within me I got my hopes up as high as they could go and God still eclipse them well I don't want the sequel to him no but wow wow wow wow lift up your eyes. On High. Lift up your eyes on high looking him off of the sugar face lift up your eyes the eyes of understanding being enlightened and see who has created these things verse 26 in the middle who brings out their host by number he calls them all by name by the greatness of His might and the strength of his power not one is missing I love this is talking about the stars. God creates the stars if he cares for the stars he's going to care for you. It says who can count them. He calls them by name like who can count their number God created them. In ancient times. You Docsis and eroticize believed that they had counted the stars now we learned that there are 2 trillion dollars Season 100000000000 stars in our galaxy and they couldn't count the stars people can think they have the answer. Years but it's because our line of sight is so limited but beyond the horizon there's more. Abraham was told that he would have children as as multitudinous as the stars and God said Tell the stars and this is Abraham couldn't count them. God he counts the stars he calls them by name in numerable multitudinous you know it's crazy it says he does this by the power is might not one of them is missing but you know why the words without evil because not only save doing this by the power of his might but he's also calling us stars and Daniel 123 this beautiful ready this is be a typical vision. Those who are wise will shine like stars that's us he thinks we're stars stars those who are wise will shine like stars did you get beat up today and people made you feel like you don't have value as you're going to the Dr to like the person would even look at you and you feel like an object or vice versa you're working the drive through and people are looking at you and they're like. What is the. Water in the hole are. People throw the shade back at you maybe what happened to you today I don't know what's that called fire in the hole can you wait. And you're like I don't feel valued can I tell you can I tell you God thinks you're a star you have the Spirit of wisdom in him is all wisdom and knowledge and not spirit is in you the same spirit was in that was in Joseph that wisdom can be in you and he says your stars I don't want to think about what Jesus number he's rampaging in the temple like bull whip and turning over tables in the temple courts are so large like he's like I can go the distance and he's like Burey isn't he might even whip people we don't know it doesn't say one way or the other I kind of hope he did because it's just like we don't know nobody knows but he was he says he was driving them out with a whip so I'm assuming he might have made some contact. Don't mess don't mess with me so should use is when it came to the Dubs in cages he stopped she could you picture this he said whipping people or whipping the air or whatever I don't want to offend anybody we don't know he's driving those with the music sorry hold on one second can we pause my rampage and he goes the doves cages and an lodges the cages and lets the doves go free and he picks up his when he's like Ok let's go. The thing I love about that is it shows his strength and that he's gentle that he's mighty. But he's soft. I want to be like that guy. I want to be the truth I want to embody the truth not question some mighty and gentle he makes stars in heaven but he thinks we're so valuable that he calls us stars because we're more value than many birds many sparrows Jesus said verse 27 Why do you speak of Jacob and speak oh Israel my way is hidden from the Lord in my just claim as possible by God always not be my advocate he's not be my defense attorney in court the word devil is a judicial term means prosecuting attorney accused in the present day night God where I just claim you're not pleading my cause has failed before you all this bureaucratic red tape facing injustice I go for the Judge day in and day out and with important and pray give me justice give me justice and because of perseverance she will have stopped her but there are times when it feels like God isn't in stream your prayer and your just claim has failed before him and it's passed over his sight it's an oversight like he didn't see what you're going through your ways hidden from him he doesn't see you but then you think of you think of Hagar when she was set in a desert number in the deserts where things happen with the stock lunch from Abraham and she lifted up her eyes and saw well and then God gave himself a new title the God who sees. And Abraham who gave Hagar the child dies Ishmael Inish will become a mighty nation Abraham I love this he then season he sees a rain in the thicket he looks up and he sees this the Bible's so filled with seeing the eyes of understanding being enlightened and sometimes we think the Lord doesn't seem me but what does the Lord say I am the God who sees it so when we say My way is him before God God says I am the God who sees your ways not him before me look at verse 28 how do you not known Have you not heard member this is knowing intimate out of nosy hearing tasting seeing it's tactile in sensory the everlasting God the Lord decree Ader of the ends of the earth neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable do you want to know why the presence is so compelling because you will never get bored with the Lord his understanding is unsearchable it's the gift that keeps on giving it is an endless well he is the creator of the ends of the earth the initial singularity and the 13790000000 light years of space out there. There's no one equal to you you could see if you can spend eternity getting to know God and it's still interesting so why not start now. Why not start getting to know him now maybe you're not you like I don't really know what to do with my life here's a good goal get to know God you're going to be doing it for eternity anyway so you might as well start now eternal life doesn't start when you died starts now it's not just quantity it's quality it's not just continuity it's content that was good not just thought about. Thank you Holy Spirit. I'm joking I'm not about to think in the spirit. I'm serious about that. But his understanding is unsearchable Paul calls God the only wise God the only wise God He has used the source of wisdom if any of you lock wisdom may be at a crossroads like I lack wisdom if any of you lack wisdom let an ask of God in faith in the Lord will give wisdom liberally without schooling without reproach. He is the only wise God Plutarch's was a he was a quote unquote heathen. Pre-Christian like not part of the Church of Judaism and he taught submit to the only wise God Even the heathen agree that it's a good idea to submit to the only wise God Why because his understanding is unsearchable look at this 1st 29 he gives power to the weak and to DOE's who have no might he increases strength I want to prophesied over you guys for anyone here tonight who does not have strength this is the word of the Lord for you. To those who have no might he increases strength there is your prophetic word. To doze there comes a time where you have to stop relying on your might and you do it Paul said I will boast in my weakness because it is not by power nor by might but by my Spirit saith the Lord. The horse is prepared against the day of battle but safety and deliverance is of the Lord. For those who have no power restraint do you know the Jews who say 100 Benedict repressors 100 Benedict 3 epitaphs every day. This is one of their sayings blessid it is he who gives might to the faint power to the faint that's what the Jews say every day when they see their 100 Bennett benedictions one of them is blessed it is he who gives power to the faint at your word to give you power so that you working harder since you are receiving Ok I am in the presence I receive it verse 30 even the youth shall feel him be weary in the young men shall utterly fall not just young men falling or failing like utterly fallen I'm going to close these young men utterly fall in grow weary kind of like. The hare or the rabbit will be in a wilderness and no matter how fast it is if it trusts its legs it will be overtaken by predators and will become prey and be eaten. Because the battle is not always to the strong nor the race to the swift as Ecclesiastes you say those who rely on their own legs they get eaten but the coni proverb talks about this why does the Coney survive the pursuing dogs because the Coney what the Coney does is it goes up into the cleft of a rock in a high place and hides in the holes of a rock so the dogs can't get it and it's safe as long as it wants to be there your strength is not how fast you are in how attractive you are and how smart you are not talented you are oh we should pursue knowledge and use our talents and use our gifts but where the origin of the energy source of our strength comes from is from the Lord that's why we're so confident that's where our power comes from from him this is a good Bible study I'm not going to lie and I know I'm not doing it because I am tired as could be this is important you need to hear this your strength is not in your legs your strength is in the cleft of the rock David said You are my rock and even when he wrote out he might have literally been hiding behind a rock and you could just picture the frantic frenzy writing of a man on the run a fugitive who's running from Saul like a dark pursuing a flea he said How do you mind Iraq is it this is what you are God You're my rock you hide in him the dogs will get you and people say oh you're going down to the dogs like it's the dogs who will die shots fired. Lastly verse 31. But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run. And not be weary they shall walk in the faint who are the really fast ones who run the race with annoyance to people who stop paradoxically and way it's like going in reverse in the car if you want to go right you have to turn the wheel left that's the kingdom in the world if you want to be 1st go win the race and be 1st in the kingdom if you want to be 1st you become lost you want to save your life you lose it if you want to be great you become a servant and if you want to run if you want to run Swift you have to stop and wait . And so. The title message tonight is molting beholding the molten melting so what is molting molting and I close with this is a practice used by eagles. Says we're like eagles when we weigh on do you know the word weight can also be translated hope because hoping and waiting are the same thing but we're generation aides to wait. Like all when I used to make all parties I'd burn my mouth on the hot pockets because I didn't want to wait the extra 30 seconds after the 2 minutes required to make them for them to cool off so I burned my tongue by the way. Why do hipsters burn their tongue. Hiding in and ruin this punchline. Because they ate their food before it was cool. Going to be responsible to get things dollar's. We don't want to wait. But when you we're waiting and hoping is the same thing you might not get everything you want right now but if you wait in hope wait and hope after Abraham patiently endured he obtained the promise because country to hope he in hope believed. You wait in hope you wait and hope that you do what will you become like an eagle now what is Neagle. An expert from hundreds of years ago talked about how Eagles every 10th year will fly up to the orbit of the sun and they're singing the singeing we knew some are renewed so when they come back down they can live for 100 years. But there's a process called malting and what it what watch this what an eagle will do it will go to the desert in a high place just like Jesus in the desert by the high place and not questioning it comes down does miracles in the desert physical body push to exhaustion weak tired but the spirit wakes up in the flesh dies. So an eagle will go up to a high place in the desert in practice what's called malting. And molting is when it will break its beak because there's calcium the forms around the beak it will break its beak and so it's kind of crazy d. Claw itself. And. Walk out it's either us. And it's excruciating the painful so much that most Eagles die when the when they do when they do molting what multi news it's when an animal sheds its coat sheds its for sheds its beak sheds its claws sheds its outer layers. To make room for new growth. And if the eagle can survive the process. When it comes down from its high place in the desert it will be stronger than Young Eagles so and this is just true when you talk about the zoo wall e.g. . When it went to Eagle goes to the desert it's old its coal seam around the beak its feathers war now its claws are not are not as tough as they once were and sharper whatever d cause itself plucks out its feathers breaks its beak to make room for new growth it is kind of stupid but member my fingernail. So like I've messed up my fingernail because I'm o.c.d. And I don't like when I quit my nails I don't like any part of the Nail to be hanging off so I like to try to peel it off but it peeled off the rest of my skin underneath the nails so got infected in like it's taken like 6 months for a deal so probably those of you but basically I'm watching this kind of stupid I don't know and saying this but like I'm watching it I think my fingernails make me believe in God so much more fully because like when the when everything collage and somehow the skin knows to send responses to my fingernail I like him getting a new fingernail right now and that's gross to me even but like it's really amazing I can getting a whole new nail. And that's what happens to an eagle like it gets new feathers. So this old eagle renews its strength this is actually what happens it malting it renews its strength when it if it turds of any of you ever plucked out your nail or something it hurts of any of you ever pulled out your feathers it hurts even if your broken your beak it hurts I'm imagining I'm not an eagle but I'm trying to vicariously live through one. It hurts but if it survives the old eagle will be stronger than the young eagle the young even grow weary the young men utterly fall but the old eagle that waits on the Lord will renew its strength so when it comes back down from the desert places it's stronger than the young how you go into the presence and you say. I'm in the desert God work on me. I'm ready for might be to be broken my claws to be. Defanged didn't work things on the mouth and I caused to be taken off my feathers to be plucked it's painful but might pain anything I'm going through in life if I if I go through my pain with you it will give me a new strength. A new coat a new peak new cause and I'll be stronger than the young eagles because sometimes pain is the only bridge to where you want to go. And your pain is in service to your destiny. And when you go through your pain with God he actually uses your pain to become molten and you return from the desert stronger than ever. That's every. One's like him. Nobody is like him that's the truth embody that don't question it and bought it let's pray thank you Lord for being so good to us. You're no ones like you nobody. Nobody equals you. You're so good and I pray that you would help us in anything that's painful going on that you would use the pain to be molting beholding in the molting that you would help us to see the God who sees us like Hagar in the desert that we would be like the eagle in the desert and Jesus in the desert fathers like that we would be transformed there that something would happen because we're always in your presence and that's where we find. Rejuvenation and renewal and we wait and hope in your. Jesus name. Thank you so much for joining us today for Hope generation with Ben Carson we hear almost daily how God is using Hope generation and changing people's lives we got this note from Rick. I was on the burn pile way too long nightmares became day Mares And I was afraid of everything all the time I seemed to be painted into a corner so I tried taking my life on more than one occasion unsuccessful in doing that too yeah God this God of hope you speak of is so real this Jesus I've come to know loves me this radical savior you speak of has radically saved this kid's life thank you for helping me to understand who God is God bless you and your team. Praise the Lord for what God has done through this ministry if you have a testimony and you want to share it go to Ben coarsens dot com That's p t n c o u r s o n dot com We'll catch you next time. Sometimes Where one of the 7.9 your home for worship and the word Stay with us for Pastor Bill Buffington and the transforming word Next Michael David here you know I was thinking about Natalie Grant. She's a 7 time Grammy nominated musical artist known for her powerful soaring vocals and heart ripping lyrics and passionate performances and then there's Danny Gokey He's a Grammy nominated artist as well and he became a favorite of millions of fans as a top 3 finalist on season 8 of American Idol and both of them are going to be at the celebrate Christmas concert on December 7th at the Riverside Minas a full auditorium all the details about the concert are at a Wave dot com And your next chance to win an opportunity to go is going to be some time tomorrow if her stance will be with Bob's shot tomorrow between 5 and 10 am so be listening for your chance to win. I would like. To get. My daughter's been diagnosed with leukemia kind of feel like my own going to be a deal after the rapture on. The Bible you don't or promote slavery in her heart don't wondering like maybe someone who walked away from the base and I don't think. A long way from the. Border into question but I would like to know if it helped Katie medicate angling to guy. Each of. Us could explain that to. My question thank you thank you for taking my call I just want to tell you how grateful I am for your program passed a specific day taking your questions Monday through Friday at 3 right here on t. Wayne one in $7.00 the average time resume spends on an h.r. Managers desk is 7 seconds and most of them are tossed aside Now imagine if one of those resumes belonged to Yasmeen who was living in a shelter juggling 3 jobs I had to be resilient that's something that you can't teach we rely so much on a resume getting. Never tell the full story of someone who had to be independent and take initiative and that's how I handle every project they get discover new ways to develop great talent grads of life dot org brought to you by grads of life and the council your home for worship and the word wave while I was 7.9 k.w. The f.m. San Clemente What evidence do you have as a believer that the Lord is working in and through your life Pastor Bill Buffington explains on today's edition of the transforming word. How will God's among us they'll be victory among those people that are saying they would be without overcoming bonders of people that are being set free that to be a drawing nearer to the Lord the big victory among us that's how we'll know that that will be the evidence that God is a work among a group of people that God is God is at work how do I know that God doesn't work in my life the dot is living in me this should be victory. But you go. Depending on where you worship the Lord you can be taught in different ways to determine how God is moving among you and the various trends continue to change going from church to church however the Bible gives clear indications of when God is doing a work with his people such as the case in our study in Joshua today God was guaranteeing victory in the midst of Israel as evidence of his presence conquering the enemy with this and more let's begin our study titled steps of faith in today's installment of the transforming work.