And now. It s for. How. To stand up for us. This was to. The stairs far far. South of the stand. So we want. The. Mayor. To. Love. To. Give the. Family friendly radio. I love. One of the best ways to gain perspective is reading the Bible sometimes when finances are a little tirade we like to read what God says about the way he takes care of us Why do you worry about clothes see how the flowers of the field grow they do not labor her spin yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these Matthew 628 and 29 Do not worry saying What shall we or what shall we drink or what shall we wear your Heavenly Father knows that you need them but seek 1st his kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well Matthew 631233 my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus Philippians 419 perspective we all need it thanks for being a part of God s plan to meet me that could be a neighbor a friend
With us are in News I m Valerie your not guilty says Roger Stone he appeared earlier before a federal judge in Washington charged with lying to Congress and engaging in witness tampering regarding the Russia investigation on Wall Street the Dow up 50 Nasdaq down 52 s. And p. Down 4 more of us are a News dot com. Offered a wonderful Wednesday morning you say 60 warning him as for joining us right here on the joy morning. About some good news to start our day. Is changing more than 30 if it s coming from the fissions for 1st to. Come and gentle. Be patient bearing with one another in a log. That s a feature instructor for birds to. Call it s to be like Jesus for the region and thank you for another day of the aid given to us. Or graveyard lines today or we ve heard the hope was to pull our souls before the. Place Gaius leaders remove the pride within a city we pray she bore for all of your goodness and love for your blessings and mercy we lift our needs use morning pray in the mine your
If you spoke on the ground. I have never seen such a powerful story the tree is broken in Hof little have to be removed all bring the axe out and cut it immediately like you are in today it is such a pity I loved that to you go is such delicious payors Oh run amok Yes the eggs have yet to hatch I wonder if the storm scared away the mother. With that what s inside the next. Hot Juliet Luke what do you have to muscle it is your ring know. How to use capital to see how the Ring could end up in the top of this trial well not saying it is a gift from God but we found this as each exonerates our friend yes this means Mary is an innocent in the you can write she did not steal the ring but that Juliet Why did you say you saw the ring in Mary s hadn t. I. Can you not see what she has done what has she done she climbed the tree she went about to hide it so that she would never be found with it in her possession it was quite a brilliant place to hide it was a god who would ever think to look ins
Or but never experienced my eyes were open and I begin to believe everything God says and his word I begin to believe that what he says about sin death and hell were completely true she concludes with this God put this impression on my heart he said Jackie you have to believe that my word is true even if it contradicts how you feel Wow She writes This is right either I trust in His Word or I trust my own feelings either I look to him for the pleasure my soul craves are I search for it in lesser things either I walk in obedience to what he says are I reject His truth as if it were a lot. Bob I think she nails it because I think we have a generation that is living life according to their feelings and they really don t know what they believe and what they are committed to from the Scriptures and this is why parents have to listen up. You all need to take your assignment about educating training and equipping your sons and daughters to know how to navigate one of the most treacherous subj
The Army had tried to teach him to hate the enemy but it had not been successful Desmond checked with his buddies Glen and Doris they had reached the shore safely with Captain Vernon at the head the company started a 5 mile hike to their big whack area under the combination of heavy tanks and the tropical down for the trail was a series of mud holes some waist deep when they reached the area the men were at the limit of their insurance Desmond opened his package of k. Rations it contained a chunk of cheese with bacon in it as he could not eat pork he gave it away to those who could and started munching on the hard tasteless crackers that came in the package the G.I. s called them dog biscuits the k. Ration package also contained cigarettes and coffee not approving of either Desmond threw them both away a moral luxury that would not last too many days they could be traded for another dog biscuit or a candy bar the 1st Battalion of the 307th Infantry which included company b. Was being