Or but never experienced my eyes were open and I begin to believe everything God says and his word I begin to believe that what he says about sin death and hell were completely true she concludes with this God put this impression on my heart he said Jackie you have to believe that my word is true even if it contradicts how you feel Wow She writes This is right either I trust in His Word or I trust my own feelings either I look to him for the pleasure my soul craves are I search for it in lesser things either I walk in obedience to what he says are I reject His truth as if it were a lot. Bob I think she nails it because I think we have a generation that is living life according to their feelings and they really don't know what they believe and what they are committed to from the Scriptures and this is why parents have to listen up. You all need to take your assignment about educating training and equipping your sons and daughters to know how to navigate one of the most treacherous subjects they're ever going to face on the planet the issue of sexual identity it all begins birth and it's not long thereafter that that's when sex education begins I'm thinking back a generation ago when we were talking about helping boys understand what it means to be a boy and girls understand what it means to be a girl back decades ago it was a very different conversation than the one that parents are dealing with today in part Barbara because there were some gender stereotyping going on back then that was not healthy where we said this is how boys should act and think and this is how girls should act and think and and we got a little to compartmentalise to a little too boxy and and put some artificial arbitrary markers around those things but today we are questioning whether gender is just a construct in our brains or whether it's really tied to our biology and parents are stymied about how to deal with this they really are in it is a very different arena than what we had because we were we were deciding what we believed girls could do primarily it was what girls could do and couldn't do because when I grew up there were no sports offered for girls in my high school when our girls grew up there were some sports offered for girls in high school but not all of them and so there has been it a shift over the years today almost all sports are available for girls but it's not just what girls can do it's are you a girl or not and are you a boy or not so the pendulum has gone way way way the other direction and our children know of couples in their communities who are same sex couples who are raising children or couples who are male and female who are raising their children to choose who they want to be. They're naming their children neutral names so that they can be either a boy or girl when they grow up inside what they want to be and we've read stories on line about moms and dads who are purposefully withholding any gender differentiation from a child so that when that child gets to be older they can decide how they want to express their gender that's a very different approach than what the Bible seems to teach us about God creating us male and female Genesis 127 God speaks and he didn't stutter he said he made them male and female 3 times and a matter of 22 words he makes it very clear he created 2 sexes to reflect his image who he was as Almighty God I'll never forget talking to Stephen Kendrick the movie producer author and a good friend who made this statement to me he said the God who made you is the God who has the authority to defy you I really like that because we want to self identify you know what that is that's nothing more then Genesis Chapter 3 of the rebellion of Adam and Eve saying you know what I know better than God I will define myself it doesn't matter that you said male and female he made you I've got feelings and those feelings are back to what Jackie Hill Perry was talking about they're more legitimate than God's word and so what parents have to do is they have to do this dance and I got to tell you my hat goes off to parents today who are attempting this you have to teach the Bible but have tremendous compassion and train your children to know how to love people who don't think and believe like they do they're going to grow up in a culture increasingly that is not going to stand for them taking a hard stand based upon what what the Scripture. Teach I used to have a little slide I used and it was a picture of a pair of parents taking a baby and tossing a child over a fence to a bunch of walls and it was the picture of the world the world will educate your child if you don't I can testify to that and I didn't find out about the birds and the bees from my mom and dad up and up and Jimmy pleasure. 8th grade believe it or not it was a long time ago walking in the snow he told me and I could not believe it's not the way a young man or a boy needs to fight out or that for that matter a young lady either I think that sacred privilege occurs when we take our children's hands in ours and we explain to them the maker of male and female also made this mystery call sex and it really is wonderful in marriage Barbara this issue of a child's gender identity or sexual identity and I understand there are folks today who would say those are different that genders in your head and sex is your biology and it can get very tricky in fact this section in the book was I think what that this the last section that you wrote and the one you struggled with the most I think it was actually now that you say that and it's because it would it's challenging to know how to address it it's challenging to know how to talk about it because we didn't want to say something in print that would be misinterpreted or communicate the wrong thing and so we worked really hard on it so when you're sitting down with parents today and say we want to teach our daughters how to be girls and our sons how to be boys I always flash back to something that my son heard at a youth group retreat when the speaker said you know boys and girls are different guys like sports and girls like to read books well my son liked to read books and didn't like sports all that much and so he came home thinking so what's wrong with me and my girl. We want to make sure we're not presenting cultural stereotypes about male misson femaleness. But the Bible does indicate that there's more to it than just our biological make up yeah the Bible makes it really clear that he made us different one thing that I did as is I spend a lot of time just reading Genesis one and 2 and reading what God did when he made Adam and Eve and how were they different before sin entered the world and it was really instructive what God said to each of them and how he related to both of them equally that they were both created with equal value and equal worth but they have differences and I think the other thing that really helps to is to understand that the reason God made to be made male and female is that it takes both of us together to reflect who God is so that's why he calls marriage a picture of Christ in the church it's that relationship between a man and a woman ultimately in marriage that more fully represents the character and who God the s. And so women have some strengths that are God designed and God ordained that men don't and there's overlap in all of them but women tend to have greater strengths in some areas and men have greater strength in some areas it's not to say they're mutually exclusive because they're not so it's keeping an open mind to what were God's original intentions in the beginning and not looking at what the culture does or making generalizations like that speaker did when your son was at youth camp I can tell you this I think we were close to 40 hours on this chapter because it's it's filled with landmines and what we wanted to do was say no more than what Scripture teaches but no less and we didn't want to apologize for the design that God made so let me just say you can read the chapter and decide for yourself but here's what we said was the essence of raising a boy to become a man we believe that men were designed by God to be warriors. And protectors doesn't mean that a woman can't be a warrior can't be a protector of course mothers do those things but we believe that God designed a man to be a protector and a warrior Secondly men were made to initiate and lead with love and self-sacrifice they weren't to be dictators but they were to deny themselves to give up their lives for their wives they put women ahead of them themselves and help women become all that God wanted them to be the 3rd area is men were called to be providers they were designed by God to provide for their families does that mean that a woman can't provide of course not. So these 3 descriptors of men we believe this what God designed to man originally before the fall that even after the fall God really gave him the responsibility to carry out that we believe there is a difference between men and women. And we saw also by looking at Genesis $1.00 and $2.00 that there's an interesting uniquenesses in women that again are not exclusive 100 percent exclusive to women but do set them apart from men and one is that women are life givers and we know that because men can't conceive and bear children only women are designed by God to conceive and bear children and that sets them apart from men so their life givers but they're also nurturers women are prone to nurturing life in other people or in other things and it's not that men don't do that it's not that men can't do that there are a lot of men who are pastors who nurture life in their congregation but it's a unique calling in a woman's life to give life to be made to give life and to nurture that life after it's born and the other one that we saw uniquely in Genesis is that women were fashion to be helpers and it's interesting to me that God called Eve that in even before she was named Eve. God said he would make a helper for Adam so helper is a part of the way we define a wife and what a wife does but it's interesting to me that God called Eve helper before she was married to Adam and so I think there is an intuitive sense in women that we are helpers that were complete or and that as I mentioned earlier together a woman and a man in marriage reflect a different quality different picture of who God is than we can alone and so I think that's a part of how God made us is women and it's a part of a. Our d.n.a. It's a part of our our wiring in our make up that God made that is different from the way he made men so the mom who's listening who says I hear what you're saying but I'm not good teaching my boy to be a warrior and I want to teach my daughter to be a leader and you say those are masculine qualities and I'm just not buying into that well I can answer that because I think it's absolutely true that women can be warriors I fought for my children I fought to keep my children pure and tarnished as much as I possibly could by the world by excluding certain music and putting limits on screens and devices and phones and monitoring relationships and I think that's what we tried to say in this chapter in the book is that this isn't something that is only available for men or this isn't something that's only a part of being a woman it's just that there are different maybe different proportions or different strengths within that but Dennis is called to be a warrior and a protector but I'm still a warrior to protect or to in our family with our kids it's not saying that they're exclusive and I think that's where we get into trouble is saying that these qualities that God built in us are exclusive and that's where we set up boxes and we make things rigid but we trust that God made us different as men and women and we allowed to flourish what is there are men and women are of equal value and yet they are different and for us to take what God has made and to try to mix them together and I modernize the sexes without recognizing what God was imbedding and young men wanting to call them up and call them out to be the protectors of their families and to call a young lady to be a nurturer a life giver and the nobility of that there's nothing 2nd rate about that if she doesn't become a leader read our book Take a look at this chapter but then decide what do we think the Bible teaches. And what are we going to build into our children and then stay consistent with that all the way to the end because I get a feeling if you look all the way out to the end you're going to see that there really is a divine design and boys and girls that honors got but it is different one of the things I've always come back to here is general revelation God has made boys with more testosterone than girls and girls with more estrogen than boys and we have to pull back and say why did God make boys and girls with those different hormones at play what was his design in that and we've got to be careful about the conclusions we draw but we have to acknowledge there is a difference here this is something that's a part of divine design that's present in all boys and all girls that's right I think a good way to summarize all of this is to go back to the story that you told in this at the beginning of the broadcast by Jackie Hill parity she had to come to a place of deciding do I trust God do I trust Him and His word in his design and really it comes back to that for every mom and dad every mom and dad listening every mom and dad reading our book will we trust God's design and then he knew what he was doing he gave us the children he wanted us to have and he has a plan for those children because really it comes back to trusting his design I don't understand it we've probably done a terrible job even explaining it in our book because it's just that hard but it's because we're here we're humans and we're trying to understand the mind of God in who can do that because we can't our conclusion is we are to trust him more and to trust God's design that he knows what he's doing here's a key question for every mom and dad your thinking about your child's gender and sexuality is it more influenced and shaped by the time you've spent in scripture or by the time you've spent on social media or. Blog posts or website are with your peers that's right because I think what we've got going on today is a culturally shaped approach to gender rather than a biblically approach shaped to gender and that's where you guys have said if we're going to shape our our child's thinking let's go back to what the Bible has to say and we may apply some of this imperfectly but if we make that our starting place we're going to be in a better place by the time we're done that if we start with what the culture say over the past 26 years and I've had the privilege of interviewing a lot of great people. Elizabeth Elliott a true hero of the Christian faith and one of the things that she said was this if it sounds like the world smells like the world thinks like the world and it's probably the thinking of the world and if it goes contrary to the world. If it's counter intuitive to what the culture is saying it's likely scripture. Because the Bible is not going to call you to emulate what the word teach what the world is doing. Family life today as a production of family life our goal is to develop godly families and marriages that change the world one home at a time and one of the ways that we do that is through this radio broadcast which is heard in 47 countries and in foreign languages we also partner with people around the world people who share our same desire to see strong marriages and families and these people are sharing family life resources in their countries maybe that's yours we have resources that may be helpful to you on topics such as forgiveness finances honoring your parents and family life's art of parenting you'll find information about these resources and others at Family Life dot com and you can also e-mail us global f.m. Dot com with any of your questions or concerns We'd love to hear from you thanks for listening and thanks to Larry and Lorraine Dennis leak Ronda Street and our entire broadcast team we help you've enjoyed the broadcast and that you'll be back again for another edition of family live today. Family life help for today hope for tomorrow. Why did God have to take him away so soon. Why do we always have to argue when we talk I'm so tired of fighting the full of we don't talk anymore we've just become so distant. Have you ever found yourself in any of these situations don't worry you're not alone Joyce some present you life live a faith based radio program that answers these questions using big. The power of God's Word which topics such as man's everyday battle getting your life back storing your relationships and so much more new life life is there to help you to live shows with Christ centered content that will abide not only your physical life but your spiritual life as well you can catch New Life Live Saturday evenings at 8 right here joyous and or you can listen online at joyful Rio's dot net that's joyous time radio thought ma'am. are gay. C C C pieces. They could protect. From. Fades. But if. It's. True it. Is moving. The. Tree. Because the. Church. The school. Keep us when she's. That isn't. Right never will be ready set of cards let it shine. Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing it. Say it. The. Same night it was safe to. See. The. Smoke. Was. Saved they. Seem to. Say it. Was. And that. Was. The. Right. Good luck. But. Let. Let let. Let let let. Let let let let let. Some other look. And some ugly. News. To. See. Me. Sleep. Sleep sleep. Sleep sleep. Sleep sleep. Sleep sleep. Sleep sleep sleep. Sleep. Sleep sleep. Sleep. Sleep sleep. Sleep. Sleep sleep sleep. Sleep. Sleep sleep. Sleep. Sleep sleep. I am. And. Do you realize what a blessing it is to protests a paper in God's work through giving I am Chuck Bentley This is my money live from Crown giving is not a money issue it's an issue of the heart and Proverbs 3 we're told to honor the Lord with our wealth and with the 1st fruits of all our produce you say honoring God is an attitude to motivate us to greater giving it's a tangible way to say God you and your kingdom are my most important financial priority is the amount we give important to God Not really but it is important to us because it's our testimony of our trust in Him It demonstrates that we trust Him as our true provider yet according to data gathered by Barna Research between 20132016 the average church given among practicing Christians was only 3 to 4 percent now that's the same percentage that believers gave during the Great Depression Now imagine with me for a moment if American Christians gave a minimum of 10 percent Relevant magazine calculated there would be an additional $165000000000.00 for our churches to use and distribute 165000000000 165000 churches would have an extra $1000000.00 in their budget part of that money could be allocated to solve global hunger and stop starvation and death from preventable diseases in 5 years just $12000000000.00 could eliminate illiteracy in 5 years another portion could solve the world's water and sanitation issues in places where a 1000000000 people live on less than a dollar a day we could fully fund all overseas mission work and still have about 100000000000 left over now if you want to learn to give more generously or you need encouragement with your finances call the crown helpline at 80722976 or visit us online at Crown dot org. Gravity is a gift without it's one step. Karl floats away like a hot air balloon to much gravity we'd be much shorter so much right here lately that God gave it to us in just the right amount of. Financial contributions or a gift when gifts arrive to meet our needs we live in the now that that moment we hate feeling like. We appreciate everything you do for us much better joy f.m. Family friendly radio joy f.m. Radio dot net. Long the bad. Bowl. Her. Bowl good you'll be free from the burden of this transfer of. Blood you look to the big. News morning there for a car and a young. Mum coloring in the Her tongue nourishing in the. That even though this is a fact that. I got now and that I remember and they're listening to family friends . You are listening to Kay Sta 91.9 f.m. Again and again your heights and k o r u 89.9 f.m. . The time is now 9 o'clock for a school that provides quality Christian education at an affordable price a school where your child receives personal attention from caring and qualified teachers come to sideband 7th Day Adventist school their new combined Child Development Center an elementary campus is located in behind the gas station registration is open for toddlers 18 months to 8th grade and scholarships are available for qualified applicants call them at 234-7326 You can also visit their website www dot Sipe an s.t.a. School dot org Do you know how many times each year the hymn Amazing Grace is performed I'm Mary and it's estimated $10000000.00 times a year and often it's sung by people who really don't know what they're singing about that's just something about grace that attracts us all and God's grace amazingly can transform us that's what I'm talking about this week on the Christian Working Woman Please join me Sunday at 230 in the afternoon Right on Your family friend the radio.

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