Age ncies NDTV founders Prannoy Roy and his wife Radhika Roy on Friday said they will sell all but 5 per cent of their remaining shareholding in the news broadcaster to Adani Group for up to Rs 647.6 crore. Roys, who founded New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV) as India's first and largest private producer of
NDTV founders Prannoy Roy and his wife Radhika Roy on Friday said they will sell all but 5 per cent of their remaining shareholding in the news broadcaster to Adani Group for up to Rs 647.6 crore.
NDTV has offered billionaire Gautam Adani's group two seats on its board of directors for the pre-open offer 29.18 per cent shareholding the ports-to-energy conglomerate had acquired in the broadcaster, according to a stock exchange filing.
Get latest articles and stories on Latest News at LatestLY. NDTV has offered billionaire Gautam Adani s group two seats on its board of directors for the pre-open offer 29.18 per cent shareholding the ports-to-energy conglomerate had acquired in the broadcaster, according to a stock exchange filing. Latest News | NDTV to Give 2 Board Seats to Adani Group Firm.