a top official says radiation has been detected on fava beans. the official adds that it s too small to harm humans, but it s the first indication of radiation. japanese officials said they detected radiation in spinach and milk produced near that plant. and they ve called off plans to vent off rad ag. think says pressure inside unit 3 is relatively high, but it is stable. joining me live is peter bradford, former nuclear regulatory commission member. good morning. good morning, alex. there s still a lot of pressure, but it s stabilized. is that positive? it s positive compared to having the pressure go up and creating a need for additional
i do want to bring in dr. harold hastings, the chair of the physics department here at hofstra and susy defrancis with the american red cross. a pleasure to have you both. dr. hastings, do you agree with the assessment out of the european union officials day characterizing the situation as out of control? let me just begin by saying that what we heard before was the major disaster. the disaster was the tsunami, and tragically probably everyone missing is not going to be alive. it will be more than 10,000 deaths. compared to that, the nuclear event is bad, but it s nowhere near as bad. it looks like they re now getting it under control. if we can get the rad ag sorry, if we can get the reactor cooled down, then it would be a simple matter to shut things down. i think people are having it under control. i would leave the area if i