[cheers and applause] greg: yes! yes! yes, indeed! ha ha ha ha! happy monday, everybody. so imagine you have a big guard dog to keep an eye on your home and you depend on the dog to keep your family safe in a tough neighborhood. now imagine the dog disappears for four days. would you notice? if the answer is yes, then you re normal. if the answer is no, you re joe biden. [laughter] greg: because how the hell did he not know his secretary of defense was missing for four full days. it s not like he s hunter on a crack binge only shoaling up to ask for more cash for meth and antibiotics. this is the secretary of defense. in case you missed it and the white house hopes the world did lloyd austin was admitted to a hospital. we wish him a speedy recovery for whatever it is. knowing the military now, i hope he s not pregnant. but the fact that we don t know what the problem is, that s the problem. shouldn t the american people be told when our top defense officials in the icu
i don t even know what queer is at this point. you know, you usually hear that people are queer questioning. you don t hear that for anything else. like hey did you hear tom? he s been saying a lot of racial slurs. he s racism questioning and my friend just came out as a by sexual and he goes finally i get all this recognition because i ve been oppressed. and i m like am i supposed to feel bad for someone who gets to have sex with everybody? i m soh tired, this group is just banging everybody and there s none left for me and the lesbians. emily: don t you wish she was lesbian? i wish she was a less bone and wanted to get naked for palestinian. greg: what a beautiful thought. on that note, we ll be right al back. [cheers and applause] so a mot and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made