The city of Westmoreland in Tennessee is being called out by a legal team for its attempt to arbitrarily shut down a Christian church's ministry to men, which is intended to provide help including temporary housing as they try to escape drug addictions.
The pro-abortion film “Call Jane” was set to be a bulwark in Hollywood a new film that would make horrific abortion procedures seem as nothing more than “scraping the inside of a pumpkin.” But the film failed to show the reality of abortion and was an utter failure at the box office.
Medicare Advantage, sometimes referred to as Part C, has once again been the target of attacks by Democrats who are trying to scare seniors away from these increasingly popular plans. They do not like Medicare Advantage because it frustrates their long-term healthcare goal of a centralized system under government control.
At the climax of the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, the Biden White House proclaimed that “Sub-Saharan Africa is critical to advancing our global priorities,” including U.S. national security and climate change interests. The White House announced the U.S. plans to commit $55 billion in African support over the next three years and called on the African union to become a permanent member of the G20.