Sarai Rachel James, a resident of the US state of Alabama, mistakenly ran her car over her seven-year-old child after forcing him to walk home from school as a punishment. Police officials from the city of Boaz, Alabama said Sarai Rachel James picked her son up from the school on February 9 and heard from the principal that her ward got into trouble earlier that day and decided to punish him to set an example going forward.
A mother in Alabama reportedly ran over her 7-year-old son with her car after making him walk home from school as punishment, according to the Independent.Sarai Rachel James, 27, reportedly picked her son up from school on February 9 and heard from the school principal that he had misbehaved in clas.
A National Health Service trust in the United Kingdom defended the practice of men who identify as female breastfeeding babies by using drugs to induce lactation, claiming that the milk from men is as healthy for babies as breast milk from a woman.