A National Health Service trust in the United Kingdom defended the practice of men who identify as female breastfeeding babies by using drugs to induce lactation, claiming that the milk from men is as healthy for babies as breast milk from a woman.
A National Health Service trust in the United Kingdom defended the practice of men who identify as female breastfeeding babies by using drugs to induce lactation, claiming that the milk from men is as healthy for babies as breast milk from a woman.
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A National Health Service dentist opening recently in Bristol had a queue down the street from early on its first day, and police warning many in the queue that they had no hope of getting in to sign on before the dentist shut. NHS waiting lists are still at a catastrophic level. More and more people who can scrape together a few thousand pounds are going to private hospitals for treatments like hip replacements because they would have to wait so long for the NHS.
A National Health Service dentist opening recently in Bristol had a queue down the street from early on its first day, and police warning many in the queue that they had no hope of getting in to sign on before the dentist shut. NHS waiting lists are still at a catastrophic level. More and more people who can scrape together a few thousand pounds are going to private hospitals for treatments like hip replacements because they would have to wait so long for the NHS.