Bollywood star Ayushmann Khurrana, who is also known for his vocal prowess, has collaborated again with his 'Paani Da Rang' creative partner and friend, music composer Rochak Kohli for the upcoming romantic single, 'Raatan Kaaliyan'.The two .
After giving audiences chartbusters like 'Mitti Di Khushboo', 'Yahi Hoon Main', 'Chan Kitthan', the talented duo Ayushmann Khurrana and Rochak Kohli are all set to rule hearts of the music lovers yet again with romantic single 'Raatan Kaaliyan'.
Uniindia: New Delhi, Apr 19 (UNI) Bhushan Kumar, Ayushmann Khurrana and Rochak Kohli have geared up to reignite their musical success story after several years.
The two have earlier worked together on tracks like Mitti Di Khushboo , Yahi Hoon Main , Chan Kitthan . Ayushmann instantly fell in love with Rochak s rendition for Raatan Kaaliyan penned by Gurpreet Saini and Gautam G. Sharma.Talk