The removal of the Soviet war memorial in the Raadi Park in Tartu does not require the permission of the National Heritage Board (Muinsuskaitseamet), as the monument is not protected.
Mayor of Tartu Urmas Klaas (Reform) and chairman of the city council Tõnis Lukas (Isamaa) are asking the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Culture to remove the Soviet war memorial in the Raadi Park area, Lukas says.
Minister of Culture Tiit Terik (Center) told radio show 'Reporteritund' that for the most part the ministry has an overview of how cultural institutions - theaters, museums, exhibitions and concert halls - are doing in terms of increased heating and electricity bills, and although some are more complicated than others, there are no closures due to rising costs.
Wednesday is a flag day in Estonia, marking the 102nd anniversary of the Tartu Peace Treaty, the primary document which signed an independent Estonia into being.