Herbert C. Rule III, longtime lawyer with Little Rock’s Rose Law Firm, a former state legislator and one-time candidate for U.S. Congress, died Monday. He was 87.
Although the LEARNS Act will increase public school teachers minimum salaries to at least $50,000 and give $2,000 raises, districts must decide for themselves to what degree they can reward educators experience and education, state officials and lawmakers said.
Little Rock ad executive Myron Jackson feels that he s in a bad light, no doubt because a front-page piece in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette March 5 put him there.
An Arkansas Senate committee on Thursday advanced a bill that would require sponsors of proposed ballot measures to collect sufficient signatures of registered voters from at least 50 counties, up from the current requirement of 15 counties, to qualify their measures for the ballot.
An Arkansas Senate committee on Thursday advanced a bill which would require sponsors of proposed ballot measures to collect sufficient signatures of registered