Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Saket court in Delhi on Tuesday reserved the order on an Intervention Application (IA) moved by Kunwar Mahender Dhwaj Pratap Singh, who claimed ownership rights over Qutub Minar land, while hearing an appeal that sought worship rights for Hindus and Jains inside the Qutub Minar complex. India News | Court Reserves Order on Plea over Qutub Minar Land Ownership Claim.
The Saket court in Delhi on Tuesday reserved the order on an Intervention Application (IA) moved by Kunwar Mahender Dhwaj Pratap Singh, who claimed ownership rights over Qutub Minar land, while hearing an appeal that sought worship rights for Hindus and Jains inside the Qutub Minar complex.
The Saket court in Delhi on Tuesday reserved the order on an Intervention Application (IA) moved by Kunwar Mahender Dhwaj Pratap Singh, who claimed ownership rights over Qutub Minar land.
On the last date of hearing, Kunwar Mahender Dhwaj Pratap Singh through Intervention Application claimed to be an heir of the United Provinces of Agra and said that the property of Qutub Minar belongs to him and therefore the minaret along with Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque should be given to him.
The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) on Wednesday opposed the Intervention Application (IA) moved by one Kunwar Mahender Dhwaj Pratap Singh in an appeal, in the Saket Court, which sought worshipping rights for Hindus and Jains inside the Qutub Minar complex.