raw emotion, new detailsou and more questions today. outt of all that , texas, of course, the scene from tuesday s mass murder of nineteen children and twos adults. now authorities held a presss conference. they tryingss to correct some earlier what they say were false reports. but in doing so, they also raised a lot more questions delivered. twenty eight suspects just west of here, richard. vehicle pickup truck declines offense now he s in the parking lot shooting at a school multiple times. he walks into the west side of rob elementary. it appears it was unlocked. ni what about the initial story that the shooter had exchanged gunfirey t with a school securic officer? butut i want to clear up that came out early on .it was it was r reported that a schooll district police officer confronted the suspect notkeould make an entry accurate. he walked in undisruptedd. as it n was not an officer readily available or no no officer armed at the entrance to the school. now grievi
just the way it is. i it s this is totally disconnected from reality. but watching us today, it s essentially waving the white flag of surrender. in joiningg me now is gordon chang gates don t institute senior fellow author, the great us china tech war , gordon china is working to undermine america at every turn and blenkin comes out today and essentially says, well w, we can t really affect china s behavior. so we real going to try to use opportunities to work with them anyway. i couldn t make heads or tails of what this was supposed toha be allt about. this is really awful, laura . first of all,th china has declared a quote unquote people s war on the u.s.. they didid in two thousand with people s daily the most authoritative publication in china when people s daily speak dai.