raw emotion, new detailsou and more questions today. outt of all that , texas, of course, the scene from tuesday s mass murder of nineteen children and twos adults. now authorities held a presss conference. they tryingss to correct some earlier what they say were false reports. but in doing so, they also raised a lot more questions delivered. twenty eight suspects just west of here, richard. vehicle pickup truck declines offense now he s in the parking lot shooting at a school multiple times. he walks into the west side of rob elementary. it appears it was unlocked. ni what about the initial story that the shooter had exchanged gunfirey t with a school securic officer? butut i want to clear up that came out early on .it was it was r reported that a schooll district police officer confronted the suspect notkeould make an entry accurate. he walked in undisruptedd. as it n was not an officer readily available or no no officer armed at the entrance to the school. now grievi
i agree. . well, it apparently ukraine goes up in smoke and the biden administration saber rattles with china. secretary of state anthony blinken is launching a new type of integrated deterrence of a musical variety . now as we go out, would you would you care? do you guys have a guitar g that your secretary might be able to use later possibly, laura . they could just play r that off the coast of taiwan. i promise it would keep all the aggressors at bay. let s hope his diplomatic overtures are a bit more inle tune than that . t shoutingun oh my goodness, i m glad i missed that all of that . i m glad i missed that . but you foisted upon me. thanks a lotnd. i watch this program and thanks so much. thank you . all right. ter sil silencing doctors use covid treatments they didn t like the bush administration. were pushin that was a warning about a drug they were pushing themselves. it s s crazy.
as well as other viruses circulating in new york city. is there any truth to that whatsoever? dr. michael? no, it s a hyperbolic overreaction. you know, it was a case of monkeypox in dallas last summer paper by birao and colleagues are published april of 2020 two. a man from africa, he has lots of contact. he went to atlanta. dallas wasas all over the place, finally hospitalized. he was treated with the drug t pox t government.t. it works fine. but the important thing, laura , they did all the contact tracing. he came in contact with tons of people. nobody got it. gentlemen, it s always great to see you. n, it thank you so much for joiningis us tonight. grethr i thank you.s and up next , yet another loss and all day texas.ri stay there burieder in receipts, invoices and other paperwork that s preventing you from doing what matters most to get the allme new and rapid receipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documentsst, receipts,
accept and embrace your face is liberal but he s like he s like bill maher and all these comedians are like you re killing you re killing our business. and that s why people jay leno say i m never doing political comedy again, just not doing p l well that they re killing comedy comedy also serves anmo important cultural purpose. it lets off steam for culturally and youou know, ifin you re laughing, it s hard to hate. so this is a good thing. ween should be encouraging more even target mean spiriteded comedy because if people are laughing, you can have a discussion and you re not hitting each other. nobody s getting physically hurt. gmy goodness. don rickles would give these people heart attacks ife they heard the personalth comedy he doled out. and laura gervais is notis the only one pushing back on critics. you ll remember we reported that patti lipponenth berated a theatergoer for not properly wearing her maskk. > well, this is the moment. remember this ? well, you know why you re
in the theater because you don t want to you can have my salary. what do you think you are? well, now leaphorn is explain her dramatics, laura , what led up to it? and it s what nobody covered in the press was what she did when our covid safety managers came down to tell her to put it on correctly, she took it off, waved it in the air and then put it h over her eyes. so she was mocking the mandate and mocking the covid safety managers who get abuse every night. laura , how did patillo little poem become the surgeon general of broadway? you know, now she s the scold and the health czar for everybody at her broadway show. she s got to calm down and doom her job well, patti, we love her voice, but that voice is not fun.fun. raymond, what else?