looks. many describe the show as love is blind meets the masked singer it premiers july 21st. it just looks so creepy i might have to watch, ainsley. ainsley: doesn t that say a lot about their personalities if they are going to go on a date in could say tomb. jillian: i think so. ainsley: i think we know who they are, a little strange. all right. thanks so much, jillian. an illinois police officer is facing backlash after joining us on fox & friends earlier this week to defend the thin blue line. to me it s about honor. it s about pride. it s about kinship, you know, i even said love. i have got children. i have got family. and i think to me when i spoke it was really about all the things that it means not only to myself but to everybody in my family and my circle. so it s all of those things and it s just really important to us. ainsley: officer lisa schaps says she was released from her position as a school resource officer because her comments have become a quote distraction. t
absolutely not! casino mogul, steve wynn will step down. his decision coming one day after reports outline several sexual harassment and assault allegations against him. lawmakers today weighing in on the resignation and the more than $1 million that he has given republicans the last several years. ellison barber has more on the reaction from washington. steve wynn is working with him his job at the rnc not admitting guilt in a statement provided to fox news. he said he has resigned to avoid a quote - distraction. the rnc chair released a simple statement of a single sentence saying she accepted his resignation. the billionaire casino mogul is accused of pressuring people to have sexual act with him.
the new york times reported these were with quote-unquote russian intelligence. our reportings is that it was with russians known to u.s. intelligence, diplomat, et cetera, and the fbi and house and senate committees are still trying to establish what those connections are. they haven t limited them, but they haven t established it. and it appears to be that detail the white house is zeroing in on. one other quick note on reaction inside the white house. this is being seen as a quote distraction the president doesn t need right now, end quote. back with us, john pistol who s now president of anderson university. phil mudd, and carl bernstein. john, direct conversations between the white house and the fbi over an ongoing investigation, it s certainly
in the late 1960s, the program to disrupt and neutralize groups on the left. the fbi directing the irs to investigate individual activists on tax grounds, time magazine today recounting how the fbi picked out one college professor explaining that the audit should be timed specifically to be a quote distraction during the critical period when he is engaged in meetings and plans for the democratic national convention that year in chicago. as we talked about on last night s show, the irs under george w. bush, went after one major liberal church threatening its tax status while apparently ignoring the same or greater levels of political activity. in 2004, the naacp saw its tax status threatened by the irs on
groups on the left. the fbi in the 1960s using the irs as a weapon to harass and try to discredit martin luther king jr. in the late 1960s, the program to disrupt and neutralize groups on the left. the fbi directing the irs to investigate individual activists on tax grounds, time magazine today recounting how the fbi picked out one college professor explaining that the awe tid should be timed specifically to be a quote distraction during the critical period when he is engaged in meetings and plans for the democratic national convention that year in chicago. as we talked about on last night s show, the irs under george w. bush, went after one major liberal church threatening its tax status while apparently ignoring the same or greater