looks. many describe the show as love is blind meets the masked singer it premiers july 21st. it just looks so creepy i might have to watch, ainsley. ainsley: doesn't that say a lot about their personalities if they are going to go on a date in could say tomb. jillian: i think so. ainsley: i think we know who they are, a little strange. all right. thanks so much, jillian. an illinois police officer is facing backlash after joining us on "fox & friends" earlier this week to defend the thin blue line. >> to me it's about honor. it's about pride. it's about kinship, you know, i even said love. i have got children. i have got family. and i think to me when i spoke it was really about all the things that it means not only to myself but to everybody in my family and my circle. so it's all of those things and it's just really important to us. ainsley: officer lisa schaps says she was released from her position as a school resource officer because her comments have become a quote distraction. the school is pushing back they