a.b., what about this? there is some question whether this is number one legal and number two can move forward. well, it will be subject to legal challenge. the president is confident after some legal challenges to obamacare that sometimes he is right. he obviously is the end of his term and everyone, he has made it perfectly clear he is feeling no pain. this is no surprise. it s been a central focus of the remainder of his presidency. and he is willing to take the criticism. morally defiant. the critic also come after are the same ones against every clean water and clean air regulation passed and that they are always wrong. and he is he couldn t care what kind of blow back comes from this. two politicians weighing in on twitter scott walker
if this survives the legal challenges, you are talking about costs that people will see. it s like gas prices rising at the pump. people will feel this. it will have an effect not only on the economy broadly but also on individual pocketbooks. and democrats if they embrace it i think will have to answer for that. quickly a.b., for hillary clinton who is looking at obamacare presume yums rising for a lot of families, looking at, perhaps, energy costs rising for a lot of families, she embraces both things. is this a potential problem for her? we don t know where the premiums are going to be if and when she is a general election nominee in the fall of 2016. we don t know where the economy is going to be which will support for action on climate change shrink if the economy is in trouble. she has to embrace this because the environmentalists in her party who are frustrated she won t get an opinion on keystone pipeline are willing make happy so she is
panel. a.b.? what about this and, you know, we heard from hillary clinton on all sides but not a definitive yes or no. well, my favorite response of hers is when she says that she needs to see what s in it because as a former member of the obama accommodation, married to a former president a former secretary of state who was a student of this deal, and someone that the obama administration is desperately hoping will support this deal, she has access to what s in it. i can tell you she doesn t have to go to the secret room in the capital that s behind several locked doors like members do to find out what s in it. so she is pretending she cannot obtain this information and make up a decision. what s interesting about what s going on is unlike these other issues, where she wants to hide, the keystone pipeline, which labor supports, and the administration opposes she has never said anything about the keystone pipeline. on the deal with iran, which she is dodging an answer on,
essentially it was the beginning of a trade treaty where she said it was the gold standard but it means so little to her that she now says i have no idea what s in it, i don t know how i m going to end up, tells you what the four years were spent doing and amounts to essentially zero in terms of accomplishment. quickly a.b., poll for honest and trustworthy would you say trustworthy or not. yes 43%. upside down. i don t think this is a problem for her on the primary. she wins the general election and if she loses the general election come back to this. she will make it there make it to the final two. that s that is it for the panel. see how the media is covering spring allergies.
don t have a case that i can see to be honest with it. if you are going to use public land for profit, you have to pay for it. the bottom line, conservatives have to remember, if you want a ranch without any interference, you have to buy your own ranch. i think it s important to point out that this land does not belong to them and it s not a minor distinction. it s the essence of private property. sorry. a.b. it wasn t that he was denied grazing rights. he refused to pay the grazing fees, so he could have had his cattle grazing on federal land but he refused to pay up to a million dollars in grazing feeds. the blm could not have bungled this more by tasing his son. agents also came behind cliven