well, the presumption of innocence remains. in other words, this is a process. i was surprised at how controversial the recommendation was frankly and i think in part it was because people don t know there was a 1940 statute amended several times since that says if you are an american citizen and you country atlitary of a where with us it is basis for the state department to begin a process to revoke your citizenship. they are changing their mode of 70 rating and increasingly looking for american citizens to carry out the plots and one of the reasons is the passport that lets them like shahzad come in and out of the country. the way this works, chris, the state department decides based on intelligence and other factors or open statements, the radical cleric in yemen is an american citizen. if he gets captured do i want
taken up arms against the united states of america. chris: in those cases they said it wasn t enough. they had to voluntar waive their citizenship. it wasn t like they came and said they no longer want to be citizens. people actually do that. but the passport is part of a tool that the terrorist groups have now. it is probably the main reason why the terrorists in pakistan wanted to use shahzad, he had an american passport. we got to stop that. chris: congressman king, i want to go back to you and to this interesting conversation i just had about eric holder s statements with john brennan in which he defended holder who is saying that it is still reasonable to consider holding a trial for ksm and the other 9/11 codefendants in new york city. your reaction? unbrennajohn brennan is defg
are trained overseas and whether they are home grown because they happen to be american citizens or not, they get training and they get support, financial and material and they do things here. i think just as certain democrats were wrong when they said that george w. bush purpose in his effort against terrorism was to trample the constitution, i also thing it is wrong to say that barack obama is not serious about the war on terrorism. i do think there is a cautionary tale in this for the administration which is it is not a good idea to trumpet the successes too much because there is an element of luck and hard work and good intelligence and police work but at some point one of these guys is going figure out how to set off his bomb. liz, did the obama administration handle this case and talking about primarily after the fact, after they arrested him, better than they handled the case of the christmas day bomber and what difference does it make that shahzad is a u.s. citizen? i think
lucky than good in some of the terror cases given that both shahzad and the christmas day attempted bomber both detonated bombs that just failed to go off. do you consider the times square attack a success for homeland security? i consider that the military have done an outstanding job since 9/11. when i hear the references to being lucky. tell that to the hundreds of thousands of american men and women serving in afghanistan or other parts of the world, working around the clock here in the united states and abroad. that is patriotism and dedication and capability and talent. we have been able to stop them in their tracks. they are determined. they going to continue to look for opportunities to get here to the united states. this is something that they have pledged to do. i think we a very strong track record. and that is why we have redundant capabilities in place. we are not luck. we are good. chris: but in fairness, you haven t stopped them in their
well, the presumption of innocence remains. in other words, this is a process. i was surprised at how controversial the recommendation was frankly and i think in part it was because people don t know there was a 1940 statute amended several times since that says if you are an american citizen and you country atlitary of a where with us it is basis for the state department to begin a process to revoke your citizenship. they are changing their mode of 70 rating and increasingly looking for american citizens to carry out the plots and one of the reasons is the passport that lets them like shahzad come in and out of the country. the way this works, chris, the state department decides based on intelligence and other factors or open statements, the radical cleric in yemen is an american citizen. if he gets captured do i want