Markets regulator Sebi on Thursday imposed a total penalty of Rs 27 crore on NDTV promoters, Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy, as well as on RRPR Holding for violating various securities norms by concealing information from shareholders regarding certain loan agreements. RRPR Holding is a promoter entity of New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV). According to Sebi, certain loan agreements had clauses that have adversarial effect on the NDTV shareholders. The regulator said its probe began after receipt of complaints, in 2017 from Quantum Securities Pvt Ltd a shareholder of NDTV about an alleged violation of rules by non-disclosure of material information to the shareholders about loan agreements with VCPL.
SEBI fines Prannoy Roy, NDTV promoters Rs 27 crore over regulatory violations
The regulator said its probe began after receipt of complaints, in 2017 from Quantum Securities Pvt Ltd a shareholder of NDTV about an alleged violation of rules by non-disclosure of material information to the shareholders about loan agreements with VCPL
PTI | January 11, 2021 | Updated 15:44 IST
NDTV Promoter Prannoy Roy
Markets regulator Sebi on Thursday imposed a total penalty of Rs 27 crore on NDTV promoters, Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy, as well as on RRPR Holding for violating various securities norms by concealing information from shareholders regarding certain loan agreements.
RRPR Holding is a promoter entity of New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV).
Sebi imposes Rs 27-cr fine on NDTV promoters Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy for violating regulatory norms
Sebi imposes Rs 27-cr fine on NDTV promoters Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy for violating regulatory normsPTI
Last Updated: Dec 24, 2020, 09:56 PM IST
RRPR Holding is a promoter entity of New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV).
According to Sebi, certain loan agreements had clauses that have adversarial effect on the NDTV shareholders.
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Markets regulator Sebi on Thursday imposed a total penalty of Rs 27 crore on NDTV promoters, Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy, as well as on RRPR Holding for violating various securities norms by concealing information from shareholders regarding certain loan agreements.