Old Bridge Mutual Fund, India’s newest and 44th fund house, will be launched on January 10. Its chief investment officer, Kenneth Andrade, was earlier the head of investments at IDFC Mutual Fund (now Bandhan MF). He had left to set up a PMS, called Old bridge Capital. Now, he’s back in the Rs 50 trillion Indian mutual fund industry with a brand new fund house
“Some of the IT headwinds in terms of subcontracting costs, the margins because of aggressive wage hikes, and the big time hiring that they did, are behind in terms of numbers. We should see some margin improvement, as well as when the demand comes up those things will look much better.”
Quantum Nifty 50 ETF FOF will allow investors to invest in Nifty 50 index without a demat account; the fund will invest in units of Quantum Nifty 50 ETF, a passive scheme with a track record of 14 years
Demand for gold is expected to reach pre-Covid-19 pandemic levels in 2022 aided by higher savings, increased mobility and stable price levels, said Chirag Mehta, Senior Fund Manager-Alternative Investments at Quantum Mutual Fund. Pent-up demand for gold started in 2021. 📰 Gold Demand Likely To Reach Pre COVID-19 Levels in 2022, Says Quantum MF.