By Andrea Figueras Qatar Airways and Starlink will collaborate to set up high-speed internet connectivity on certain aircraft and routes of the airline..
if you re just joining us again, supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh, and the woman who is accusing him of physical and sexual assault will both testify at a public hearing before the senate judiciary committee next monday. i want to get some insight on how this could play out. joining me now, two people who know a lot about the nation s top court, jeffe toobin and air y y yanya de vogue. how much trouble do you think he s in? i think he s in a lot of trouble. but a tremendous amount will right on how the senators perceive him, how the senators perceive miss ford, and how the public perceives them both. but doesn t it boil down to a he said/she said? not necessarily. that s one of the things i find so frustrating about situations like this. you know, ultimately, a lot of trials, at least, they don t come down to, you know, if someone looks credible. they come down to the issue of corroboration. you know, are there other witnesses who back up their story?