SIR – Am I alone in struggling to understand why, instead of fracking for our own gas, we have decided to pay America to frack for its gas, liquefy it and ship it in tankers across the Atlantic, thus ensuring greater carbon-dioxide emissions, higher prices, and most of the employment, profits and tax revenues going to America (“Gas deal set to ease energy crisis”, report, November 8)?
As we continue to enjoy a hauntingly entertaining October here in our little New Hampshire towns, we embrace all that is autumn. The taste of cold fresh cider, the warmth of bonfires and hiking the foliage-clad forests nearby brings autumn home each.
A Sydney agent and his team of 30-plus staff have hitched their wagon to McGrath, greatly expanding the brand’s presence in the city’s north. Robert Bagala and his co-principal, George Agostino
As the nation comes together to celebrate its 246th birthday Bob and Diana Wiita, founders of Wiita Family Realty, are proud to present this fine home.Today as Better Homes & Gardens – the Masiello Group, we celebrate our 52nd year offering real.