on capitol hill, where twoddle middle aged men from california are literall y throwing a temper tantrum. you got eric swalwell and adamrm schiff schif to congenital liar, likely still quivering with rage after learning thatafe their relationship and their membership to the all powerfulte house intelligence committee is no more . house speakellr kevin mccarthy remove them from this committee and for good reason, according w to reports. el congressman swalwell. well, remember, he was once a py a patsy for the chinese government after getting seduced by a woman named fang fang. you can t even make this up in a a novel. an undercover agent for the communist party of china. unfortunately, this was not wasn a one night stand, apparently a full blown relationship. in fact,own the two lovebirds right there together for quitelo some tim fe. ese by e and the chinesven e spy even hec eric raise money for his reelectionise mone. e li adam, the congenital liar.ar, sh schiff well, meanwhil
,in your presidential libraries? mike , presidenti pence went back . he didn t think he tookocumen documents. then they looked and they fount. d them. when is the last when is thee fs first time even your private even lawyers and staff, presumably with clearances, look throughprk through these facilities these facilities to see if if, t in fact, cheney and gored the os and the others have private they haven t. so this story means nothing. and the bottom line is , ife joe biden can walk out theret of and the senate in the senate, where purloi the sn documents, e we know other senators haven tr done this in a while now? i ve bee thin mistakenlyrprete interpreted as saying this is no big deal .ying t everybodhis isy does it.contrary quite the contrary. it is a big deal .what b but what bothers me is that donald trump has treateded one way and every one of the others is treated another. and so usa today puts out this s ridiculous story and says the vice president can be classified document