that isn t worth the cost. and nancy pelosi may be able to win the election as leader but not be able to lead. in other words, you have a paralyzed, divided democratic caucus that is, obviously, internally disrupted, and half of the caucus unsure whether nancy pelosi was really the right person to lead at this time. greg yeg yeah. a puric victory, indeed. how about a hobson s choice as well while we re throwing them out. [laughter] touche. gregg: i want to ask you this, what she passed and i mentioned it is fairly unpoplar. what she actuallied to pass is embarrassing. there s no movement on the bush tax cuts, no budget. she has presided over a congress which according to the gallup poll today has a 17% approval rating, and this her own rating is absolutely and her own rating is absolutely abysmal. is she tone deaf by throwing this lavish party celebrating
this. and with reason. because their attitude is, we won, suck it up. we sucked it up and supported john mccain when he ran for president, you support this person we decided was our favorite candidate in the world two weeks ago. you didn t hear much about her she s a talented candidate. she s a good pundit turn candidate. but the speed with which they fell in love with her and demanded the establishment falls in love with her says a lot about the pace of the election this year. obviously she had sarah palin behind her, jim demint behind her, but not senator cornyn, not carl rove, something we ll be exploring in full and gory detail later and not dick armey s freedom works. is o donnell and what happened is this the classic example of the sort of puric victory that the tea party is causing republican party to endure? it s like, oh great, you got a nominee and you ve already declared her, you know, doa. well, a tea partier would say that new york 23 was supposed to be the puric vic
like michele bachmann viciously goaded into doing this. and with reason. because their attitude is, we won, suck it up. we sucked it up and supported john mccain when he ran for president, you support this person we decided was our favorite candidate in the world two weeks ago. you didn t hear much about her she s a talented candidate. i spent some time with her on the trail. she s a good pundit turn candidate. but the speed with which they fell in love with her and demanded the establishment falls in love with her says a lot about the pace of the election this year. obviously she had sarah palin behind her, jim demint behind her, but not senator cornyn, not karl rove, something we ll be exploring in full and goree detail later. and not dick armey s freedom works. is o donnell and what happened is this the classic example of the sort of puric victory that the tea party is causing republican party to endure?
her. and they were goaded by the base and the base was people like rush limbaugh, people with blogs like michelle bauchmann viciously goaded into doing this. and with reason. because their attitude is, we won, suck it up. we sucked it up and supported john mccain when he ran for president, you support this person we decided was our favorite candidate in the world two weeks ago. you didn t hear much about her she s a talented candidate. she s a good pundit turn candidate. but the speed with which they fell in love with her and demanded the establishment falls in love with her says a lot about the pace of the election this year. obviously she had sarah palin behind her, jim demint behind her, but not senator cornyn, not karl rove, something we ll be exploring in full and gory detail later and not dick armey s freedom works. is o donnell and what happened is this the classic example of the sort of puric victory that the tea party is causing republican party to endure? it s like, oh gr
it s like, oh great, you got a nominee and you ve already declared her, you know, doa. well, a tea partier would say that new york 23 was supposed to be the puric victory. and that is the victory that got people like john cornyn, the chairman of the nrfc to stay out of primaries. if they d been more muscular in some of these primaries, they probably would ve saved lisa murkowski, not sure if it would have saved castle, probably. they met with her before her primary and hinted she should start spending money, but they didn t swing elbows the way they did, for example, when lincoln chaffey was in trouble or the way arlen specter was in trouble against pat toomey. they got scared out of this. and now, if they re serious about this, this was the nightmare scenario. taking delaware was one of the four easiest elections they had. and now it s not easy. it s not something they re going to spend money on. so this was, you know, for the movement, this is people who