Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Monday said that the Global Investors' Meet (GIM) was likely to help raise an investment of around Rs 5 lakh crore in the state.The meet is scheduled to be held in the state capital from November 2 .
Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said that through Koti Kanta Gayana , great respect is shown to Goddess Bhuvaneshwari and the state government is determined to build a bright future for Karnataka.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Through Koti Kanta Gayana , great respect is shown to Goddess Bhuvaneshwari and the state government is determined to build a bright future for Karnataka, says CM Bommai. India News | Determined to Build a Strong Future for Karnataka: CM Bommai.
The Malleshwaram Model Schools will be extended to all the government schools across the State by providing modern facilities, said Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai.