The Kerala government is on high alert after two "unnatural deaths" occurred at a private hospital in Kozhikode. Health officials suspect that the Nipah virus could be behind the deaths. The state government is taking the situation seriously and has advised caution. The Health Ministry has also directed for an isolation facility to be set up. Nipah virus is typically transmitted from animals to humans and can cause a range of illnesses, including acute respiratory illness and fatal encephalitis. There is currently no treatment or vaccine available.
A man, who reached Kannur district in Kerala from a Middle East country, was admitted to the government medical college after he showed signs of monkeypox.The hospital authorities told IANS that the youth was under observation in an isolated .
Monkeypox: A child was admitted to Andhra Pradesh s GGH hospital with monkeypox symptoms. Blood samples were sent to Pune and a report for the same is awaited, reported ANI.