that should motivate you. will you sue him for us? we re going to sue him. we re going to be a real pain in the [bleep]. president trump cannot avoid justice in the great state of new york. since i ve been in office the past two years, my office has either led or joined to 68 lawsuits against this administration. martha: okay. you get the idea. after three years of investigating real estate properties on their books, a high profile announcement that she s suing all of the working trump family mens. andy mccarthy is here on developments this hour. but first, this huge story as well today. a cornered vladimir putin drafting up to 300,000 reservists, recruiting at russia s prisons as well to battle back ukraine. while warning america and its allies that he s not bluffing when it comes to his nuclear and war capabilities. a short while ago, president biden was at the u.n. calling for a unified push back to russian aggression, also calling out china for transparency over t
though is the championing progress being made not only on the economic front but numbers that he says are proving that the inflation reduction act is beginning to bear some fruit. there s a great deal of division over whether that is happening. this three-state trip, by the way, three strong blue states that he s going to is an interesting thing to do less than a month before the mi mid- mid-terms. want to keep you up on that and how this is playingout and the strategy of the white house with a little less than four weeks until the general elections. jacqui heinrich at the white house on what this strategy is. what do you think, jacqui? it s hard to say, neil, what exactly the strategy is. the press secretary was asked why the president isn t going to a more contentious state like arizona if he s going on a western swing. why not hit some of those areas where democrats vying for re-electioning are having a tougher job. but this event in colorado is going to be really a favo
we ll keep an eye on this and also keeping an eye on a party that ended officially today. the federal reserve announcing they re taking the punch bowl away. we ve been getting spoiled by interest rates that have been very low for ridiculously long amount of time. the federal reserve indicating today that stops. the interest rate hikes start and things will quickly change. but the markets like what they heard. we ll tell you why after this. wow. that s so nice! is that a photo of tepechitlan? yeah! the gift of ancestry®, is a walk through your history. do you remember who this is? it s a gift that surprises you, moves you, and bonds you. .papa? i can see the nose and everything. she was the original strong woman. i know. this holiday, give the gift of family. give the gift of ancestry®. (vo) nowadays, business can happen anywhere, anytime.
there as a wild card event. the fed reserve wraps up a two-day meeting tomorrow and will start taking the punch bowl away. they ve been buying a lot of treasury notes and bonds to the tune of $22 billion a month. if the guy orchestrating that is out and not reappointed, then what is the fallout from that? depends what the market does. if they go with someone that is more sort of do havish on inflation, which would be the natural place if they don t go with jay powell and they go with someone like brainerd, then you could have markets be more concerned about inflation. from the senators talking to the white house about the appointment, they re concerned about market reaction. that s why some like john tester. markets like powell, he deserves
sparking fears of devault and contagion that comes with it. some are call this lehman moment the bankruptcy that sparked the financial crisis, the white house isn t worried. let me first note this is a company based in china whose activities are overwhelmingly centered in china. that being said, we always are monitoring global markets, obviously from the department of treasury primarily. but the timing of the pullback is icing on the cake for investors already dancing by the exits. washington this month will have to deal with the debt ceiling debate. a massive infrastructure spending bill and a federal reserve that could determine on wednesday when it is time to take the punch bowl away. look, the fred s accommodative policies helped the economy get through the pandemic, sparked inflation, higher prices impacting every american business and consumer. earnings this week from nike, costco, k.b. home, garden restaurants, they tell us how bad it really is morgan stanley sees the potent