A 16-year-old misdemeanor hot-check conviction means Barry Jefferson can't hold elected office, a Pulaski County circuit judge ruled Friday, invalidating the votes for Jefferson's campaign for the county quorum court.
The executive director of the Central Arkansas Library System at a board meeting on Thursday called the success of the library system's property-tax referendum in Little Rock two days earlier "a gratifying illustration of how much the community supports the library."
A referendum to lower a Little Rock property-tax levy tied to capital improvements for the Central Arkansas Library System and refinance library bonds was heavily favored to win approval during a special election Tuesday, unofficial returns showed.
Though early voting has been higher than expected in parts of the state, the Arkansas secretary of state's office is sticking with its forecast that about 20% of the state's 1.7 million registered voters will cast a ballot in Tuesday's primary election, with a U.S. Senate seat and the governor's office at the top of the ticket.