A resolution to waive building permit and landfill fees for 1050 North Sheridan Avenue was considered and approved by the Sheridan City Council at a special meeting Monday night. City Public Works Director Hanns Mercer.
city public works director hanns mercer
Sheridan Mayor Rich Bridger provid
The topic of government initiated annexations was addressed at the most recent Sheridan City Council meeting. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Council Considers Government Initiated Annexations Resolution
Wyoming law requires municipalities to adopt a resolution when pursuing gove
The Sheridan City Council considered an ordinance related to the 2023 National Electrical Code. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Electrical Code Ordinance Receives First Reading Approval by City Council
On July 1, 2023, the State of Wyoming formally adopted the 2023 National Elect
The Sheridan City Council at their June 19 business meeting approved on third and final reading an ordinance for the Teal Spring Subdivision Planned Unit Development that rezones 64.9 acres from B-1 and R-1 to a Planned Unit Development, or PUD. The Council will soon be considering a resolution for
The City of Sheridan is considering defraying the costs for downtown business owners for fire prevention by the extension of a fire line that would be part of the construction on Main Street over the next two seasons. The topic was an item of discussion at Monday night’s Sheridan City Council study