An extension of a funding agreement between the City of Sheridan and the Sheridan Economic and Educational Development Authority was an item of discussion at this week’s City Council study session. City Attorney Brendon Kerns provides some background on the joint powers board and the funding agreeme
The Sheridan City Council met for their second regularly scheduled business meeting of November Monday night. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Drug and Alcohol Policy Update
Prior to Monday night’s City Council meeting, the City’s Drug and Alcohol Policy was last updated in 2010.
Third and final reading of an ordinance amending Sheridan City Code appendix A, article three, paragraph four, was tabled by the Sheridan City Council at their regular business meeting Monday night.. Code appendix A, article three, paragraph four, states that any property annexed into the City be p
The Sheridan City Council approved a resolution at their recent meeting that authorizes the City’s Public Works Department to begin the process of annexing six parcels of property in the City’s boundary. Sheridan County requested the annexations because the six properties require special ballots sin