The modern world. What i found even more telling was how things are invented. How invention itself is encouraged and nurtured. At least how it has been encouraged and nurtured in this country in the past. Its easy to say, as i do in my book, that we are a nation of tinkerers. We americans like to think of ourselves as natural adventurers, risktakers, entrepreneurs. But what does that mean exactly. . I am a believer in american exceptionalism. But as marines like to say, it has to be earned, never given. How did we earn it . How did we do what we did and . And how could we get back to doing it right . As the first nation to exist wholly in the modern age, United States has also insisted when timeed wholly in that making things when we were extracting them from the earth. We invented almost everything about america. We have constantly reinvented almost everything as we deemed it necessary, including our institutions, our customs, our laws. Above all, our definition of who is american and
As best we can. Im going to talk to you a little bit tonight about america the ingenious. This book i wrote. The best thing about writing books is hopefully you learned something. I learned a great deal writing this. Americansof how invented, developed or learned to exploit so many of the things exploit the world. What i found even more telling was how things are invented. How invention itself is encouraged and nurtured. At least how it has been encouraged and nurtured in this country in the past. , as i do in myy book, that we are a nation of tinkerers. We americans like to think of ass natural adventurers, risktakers and entrepreneurs. But what does that mean exactly. I am a believer in american exceptionalism. It hasnes like to say, to be earned, never given. How did we earn it . How did we do what we did and how could we get back to doing it right . As the first nation to exist wholly in the modern age, United States has also insisted when making things when we were extracting them
Active and retired members of the military. That number, 2027488002. You can also catch up with us, via text. 2027488003. If you do, please include your name and where youre from. Otherwise, catch up with us on social media, on twitter. On face books. Host very good Tuesday Morning to you. You can start calling in now. In terms of how this all has unfolded, the pullback announcement came late sunday night in the form of a statement from the white house. This is what it said. Turkey will soon be moving forward with its longplanned operation in Northern Syria. The United States armed forces will not support or be involved in the operation. United states forces having defeated the isis territorial caliphate will no longer be in the immediate area. The statement went on to say that turkey will now be responsible for all isis fighters in the area captured over the past to years in the wake of the defeat of the territorial caliphate by the United States. That led to a lot of questions for Pr
The head of Hawaiian Electric told house lawmakers the cause of the wildfire that spread has not been determined pinpointing because it could take several months to more than a year. She pledged cooperation of multiple ongoing investigations into what exactly happened. Energy and commerce subcommittee hearing is just over two hours. [background noises] [background noises] before we get started went to take a brief moment of point of personal privilege and the cardinal nooses mind is an article about virginias connection with hawaii and its history. Some of which is good some is not one of the interesting points as a congressman from the ninth district of virginia at the district that currently represent a democrat but the name oftl jennings was the only virginian to vote for hawaiian statehood. Until we are kind of a proud of that our section of the state is little different than other of the state sometimes good sometimes bad but mostly good with that being said vulvar gas would pleas
Clear winners while the homebuyers, there is less incentive to become owners. Scarlet i wonder if it is a terrible thing to be become like a germany. Joe we do have this history of encouraging homeownership. We got the housing bubble. It hurts renters instead of homeowners. Why not see if it balances out and not give a preference to one or the other . Lawrence the bubble was clearly a mistake and it arose from the subprime lender. From the societal point of view, it will enlarge the middle class , having a nation of property owners. Rather than having a nation of tenants. The fact that we have a solid majority of americans owning a home, and look at the overall wealth situation. Homeowners can only have a net 200,000, while the renters are stuck at 5,000. That is a dramatic difference. In order to a large the middle class, we need to encourage more Property Ownership rather than encouraging renting. Julia could we look at the 2 different bills we have going, whether it is the house or