the united states. i could not stand it, i found it appalling. it was about race. sean: wait a minute, where did you get that about race? at its core it was about race. sean: no, think it was about he doesn t like obama s policies. everybody watching the show if you say can i have your birth certificate can get it. how do you go from not liking somebody s policies to saying maybe you weren t born here? there s a disconnect. i think trump was going from attacking obama on policy talking about china. the next day he woke up and decided i m going to be a buyer. sean: it never was my issue. after a while i was odd. he could have released it in the beginning. i think all of us are saying it tapped into something beyond public policy dispute. the legacy of that is the toxic environment that michelle bachmann now finds herself in i don t think you blame mock for [ talking over each other ]