Westminster College recently announced the winners of several prize competitions held throughout the day at the annual Undergraduate Research and Arts Celebration (URAC) that took place on Wednesday, April 27.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 - 1:18 pm
Clarkson University honored a Massena student for her work and volunteerism in the Psychology Department.
Camryn J. Peets, daughter of Darren and Shelly Peet s, Massena, was honored on Saturday, April 24 at Clarkson University’s Recognition Day.
She received the Psychology Research Award and the Psychology Service Award for her dedication to research over the past two years as well her commitment as president of the Clarkson Association of Psychology Students and dedication to volunteering for various student panels and participation in departmental activities.
She also received the President’s Award for Excellence for accomplishments and leadership in Kappa Delta Chi Sorority and was the recipient of the Dean William J. Farrisee Memorial Award for outstanding contribution of personal services to extracurricular activities at Clarkson.