Westminster College recently announced the winners of several prize competitions held throughout the day at the annual Undergraduate Research and Arts Celebration (URAC) that took place on Wednesday, April 27.
Four Westminster College students and two faculty members recently attended the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) held April 2-5, 2022 in Philadelphia.
Four students have been selected to present their research at podium presentations during this year’s Undergraduate Research and Arts Celebration (URAC) on Wednesday, April 27 at Westminster College.
Westminster College marked the 170th anniversary of its founding on Friday, Jan. 21, celebrating its heritage, strength and commitment to transforming the lives of generations of students.
NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. Several Westminster College students traveled to Chicago in November to participate in the American Model United Nations (AMUN) Conference, an annual four-day United Nations simulation event that