The Delhi high court on Wednesday observed that the telecast of the recording of narco analysis conducted on Aaftab Amin Poonawala, the sole accused in the Shraddha Walkar murder, will prejudice the case and restrained all news channels from displaying or playing content of the charge sheet filed in the matter.
Is the Rorschach Test, also known as the inkblot test a reliable personality test? Find out why many researchers and psychologists have criticised its use of optical illusion and subjective interpretation. This article explores the main criticisms of the Rorschach Test and highlights the importance of using objective and reliable personality tests in psychological assessments.
A Nigerian Customs officer, who exposed how refined petroleum products, particularly Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), also known as petrol, are being trafficked to some other African nations has no mental illness, his medical report has revealed. SaharaReporters had reported that Segun John Owombo was being detained by the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) despite medical documents indicating that he was suffering from kidney disease.